Sissy Truants Scene 15

Meanwhile, Andrew is in a different class but it’s being run in much the same way. The pupils are attentive and obedient. They stand before they speak and curtsey before they sit, and just like William, Andrew is uncomfortable with the name he’s been given. “Alice, can you explain to the class what an equilateral triangle is?”

The name is doubly uncomfortable for Andrew, since it harks back to his dim and distant past when his big sister used to put him in a dress when babysitting him… she also used to call him Alice whenever he was dressed as a girl. “Andrew’s far too plain for such a pretty dress.” she used to tell him when he protested. His sister is seven years his elder and is almost twenty years old now. She moved away after leaving school to go to college and study one of the ‘ologys. He can’t help but wonder what she say if she could see him now.

The lunch bell rings at twelve noon and class is dismissed. William is escorted to the refectory by Amanda and it’s here that he first sees Andrew. “What happened this morning?” Andrew asked.

With his head hung low, William told his friend that he’d got up early; around 6am and snook out the house before his mum or dad were up and just hung out, trying to avoid people in general. “I saw them bring you back at break time.” Andrew informed him.

William hung his head and blushed. “So, what did you do?” he asked. “I half expected to meet up somewhere.”

“Well I couldn’t sneak out… mum was already up.” Andrew replied. “I had to wait for the minibus.” he said, before claiming that he would have made a run for it “…but Mum made me wear that dress again so…” he shrugged and sighed.

“What’s your name?” Amanda asked Andrew.

“Err… Andrew… er… Alice.” Andrew humbly replied.

“And have you and Wendy been friends for long?” she asked, adding “Alice.”

Andrew gulped and nodded. “Since junior school.”

“Who are you?” Andrew asked.

“My name’s Amanda… I’ve got the unfortunate task of chaperoning Wendy today.” she replied, sneering at the boy beside her.

“Don’t you have one?” William asked.


“A chaperone.”

Andrew shook his head. “I don’t really know what one is.”

Amanda explained, adding “…clearly you’ve been obedient and compliant so far Alice, and don’t need a chaperone.”

Andrew gulped. He has been obedient and compliant. He’ll do anything to ensure that his time in this dreadful school is as short as possible, but in doing so, he can’t help but feel guilty. William shoots a dagger like stare at Andrew. He’s equally unimpressed with Andrew’s obedience. After lunch, they’re sent into the yard and as before, Andrew is given a skipping rope and sent to play with it. William is sent to a different area of the yard where he’s told to partake in a game of hopscotch. “I’m not playing hopscotch!” he yelped. He was astonished that they’d even suggest such a thing.



“It’s not optional Wendy!” the prefect that supervises the activity retorted.

Amanda reminds him that disobedience can result in a one day extension to his stay here. William points out that loads of other kids aren’t playing hopscotch or skipping. “They’re girls… you’re a boy which means you have to do an activity when it’s playtime.” Amanda explained. “Is it really worth an additional day for every time you don’t play?” she asked.

Amanda had a point and William shyly joined in with the boys. He didn’t really know how to play since it’s always been a girl’s game, but his biggest worry is trying to skip and hop in shoes he can barely walk in.

Andrew’s afternoon classes are history and geography, followed by another break in which he sort of gets the hang of skipping with a rope. William has maths and English and is sent to play hopscotch at break. The next time he and Andrew get change to speak is on the minibus home, but the other boys wanted to know all about the events this morning, when the prefects went on a boyhunt. William added spice and colour to his version of events, making his evasion and eventual capture much more dramatic than it actually was. “Are you gonna do the same tomorrow?” Andrew asked.

“Dunno… I’m tempted.” William said. “I don’t wanna wear this again, that’s for sure.”

“Me neither, but I reckon it’s better to just go along with it than risk being suspended for three or fours weeks instead of just two.” Andrew wisely replied. “I hope I don’t have to wear this again though.” he said, referring to the dress slung over his forearm. The same dress that Mrs Arkwright had given him the previous day, and the dress he’d worn this morning when he boarded the school minibus.

“Amanda said we’ve got to keep our uniforms on when we’re doing out homework.” William told Andrew.

“Are you gonna?”

“Nah.” William replied. “Not if I can help it anyway.”

One by one, they boys are dropped of outside their houses and eventually it’s William’s turn. Andrew watches through the minibus window as William walks toward his front door; wide open and occupied by his parents. Each wears a most disgruntled expression. When Andrew’s dropped off, his mother aslo waits at the door. “How was it?” she asked.

“Horrible.” he grumbled.

“Your uniform’s nice… very smart.” his mother says as he enters.