Moments later, Roly’s sphincter became flaccid at the same time that his dwindling bladder became taut and inelastic. He peed freely, thoroughly soaking the crotch of his thick nighttime diaper while he kicked his legs in shear delight at being able to indulge himself simultaneously in the twin pleasures of nursing and peeing. The baby formula warmed his tummy while his equally warm pee splashed over his pubes and crawled around his bottom in a most satisfying way. She watched closely as he continued to dwindle in size and age before her. About three-quarters of the way through the formula he stopped getting smaller. He stopped sucking for a moment and pulled the nipple from his lips as a childish grin of evident enjoyment came over his face. Louise sniffed and smiled as she realized that he had pooped in a diaper for the first time since he was a toddler.
Louise took bottom of the bottle in her hand and held it for him to suckle. She waited until he had finished off the bottle’s contents and tenderly pulled the nipple from the nine month old’s mouth to stand the empty bottle on the table. Louise wiped the milky drool from his spit-wet chin with the terrycloth bib before unsnapping it from his neck. She placed the milk moistened bib on the table before she bent down and reached into the diaper bag once more to withdraw a baby blue receiving blanket before taking little Roly-Roly from his high chair. After tightening the tabs on his disposable diaper to prevent leaks, she wrapped him in his blanket and sat back in her chair with him comfortably arranged on her lap.
Louise unbuttoned her blouse as she said, “Now that you’ve had your din-din, baby, it’s time for you to have a special drink while we have our little talk!”
“I just LOVE the smell of baby powder on you, Sweetheart! You’re so sweet smelling that Mommy could just eat you up! Mommy promises that you won’t ever smell nasty and funky again like you did when you were a man! Ahhhhh, baby, if you only knew how good it feels to nurse you! You’re what I’ve been wanting all of my life.”
She dropped her voice to a whisper and told the infant nursing at her teat, “I know about your mistresses, Darling, and I forgive you! You’re much too sweet and adorable now for me to hold a grudge against the man you were. You’re going give me a baby to love and nurture just like you promised. Since you’d had a vasectomy and you couldn’t father my baby, you’re going to take the place of the baby you couldn’t give me! The bottle of formula you just drank will make sure that you’ll never get any older, Sweetiepie. You’ve always enjoyed expensive Napoleon Brandies and fine wines. Just think, you’ve just drunk the most expensive drink ever made by a restaurant! Just two ounces of formula cost me ten thousand dollars!”
She covered his head demurely with the blanket and patted the blanket over the area of his diapered bottom affectionately as he continued to suckle. He squirmed in pleasure and drew her milk-engorged nipple deeper into his mouth without thinking. Louise looked down at him and said gently in a soft maternal voice, “You’ll always be Mommy’s little Roly-Roly! Mommy will feed you and keep you in nice, soft, comfy dydees forever and ever! When we get home, you’ll find a simply darling little nursery that’s waiting for Mommy’s baby boy. In a day or two the shock of your change will wear off and you’ll realize what’s happened to you. Even though you’ll always have an adult mind, in a couple of weeks until you’ll have gotten accustomed to being an infant again. You see, Sweetheart, some areas of your brain will be affected a bit from being regressed into infancy. In a day or two, you won’t be able to read, write or do arithmetic. After that, the vocabulary of words you understand will get smaller and smaller until you’ll only understand about three hundred words.”
“Poor Darling,” Louise continued “You won’t even remember what the names of the three basic colors are. But that won’t matter very much, because you have the body of nine month old baby. You aren’t physically capable of walking, talking or feeding yourself. You wet and make messes in your dydee just like any other baby your age. Within a week, television, books or adult conversation won’t mean anything to you. You’ll still have your memories of being an adult, but only the sights and feelings you had about your past will remain. With a vocabulary of only three hundred words, you won’t be able to ruminate about your past except to remember that you were a bad boy and that Mommy punished you by turning you into her adorable baby. I think you’ll enjoy playing with the nice baby toys that Mommy’s bought for you. Once I’m sure you’ve made the adjustment, Mommy will enroll you in Dinah’s Daycare so you can play with other babies your age. Won’t that be nice?”