Meg’s Transformation Scene 14

“Oh. God,” Megan stammered, appearing very flustered. It was stupid of her to go storming out like that. What if she had left it there and TONY hadn’t come along to retrieve it for her? “Well…thanks. I hope I didn’t lose anything.”
“I don’t think so,” Tony replied.
In addition to the safe return of her purse, Megan was relieved that she had used the last of her diapers that morning. Otherwise, Tony might have received quite a surprise when he stumbled upon her purse.
Whilst she combed through it to make sure everything was intact, Tony tore off a coupon from a sheet and handed it to her.
“For a free sundae,” he explained. “You look like you can use one.”
“Thanks,” Megan answered, grinning. It might have meant nothing, but if a guy offered her a sundae, it was a good sign he didn’t think she was fat. That was all she needed to forget Meghan Cole and her bulimia-starved modelesque frame.
Tony meandered back to work and Megan peeled herself off the bench. The day was young and she could salvage it yet. She concluded her window browsing and did some actual shopping, opting for cheap and comfortable over sexy and stylish. With the gift certificate and the cash she had on her, she was able to acquire panties, bras, socks, shorts, a t-shirt and a new tanktop. She even found a pair of shoes she liked on sale. All and all, she was happy with what she bought and it got her mind off of all that plagued her.
Megan was also aware that she needed more diapers, but she didn’t think it wise to get them here. Instead, she would simply stop by Bledsoe’s later and get them from her package in the stockroom. In the meantime, she helped herself to Tony’s generosity and a free sundae. It was quite yummy and she enjoyed every bite of it. She didn’t even mind that she got chocolate sauce on her chin. That she made such a mess made her feel like a little kid again, and that made her feel strangely contented.
Before leaving the mall, Megan called Sabrina and left her a message about going out later. She then switched her phone off for the drive home and left the mall parking lot in her dust. With the radio on and the windows open, Megan began to relax and let the wind blow her hair around. It was stupid of her to get so upset over Meghan Cole. After all, she had the bigger boobs, the bigger ass, the more sincere friends and she could eat more than a grape and still feel fine. Plus, she thought with a malevolent giggle, she was pretty sure she could kick Cole’s ass if that’s what it ever came to.
For the third day in a row, Josh expressed surprise at Meg’s arrival.
“You know, you have today off,” he reminded her.
“I know,” she answered. “I just came by to check on something. Besides, can’t a girl shop?”
Josh nodded and gave her the OK sign as she walked towards the stockroom. The package of diapers was just where she left them. This time, however, she knew she would need them. She crammed as many as she could into her purse and figured she would come back for the rest.
Raul approached her as she left the stockroom and scared her half to death.
“Jesus!” she remarked.
“You know, my cousin scored with your friend,” he smarmily remarked. “He was banging her all night long.”
“I’m sure Des would love to know that you are talking about her like that,” Megan told him.
Raul shrugged. “Just going by what Pedro told me. Hey, you find a new guy yet?”
“No,” Megan replied indignantly.
“You will though,” Raul assured me. “You look good. I mean, you’re not for me, but I can see a lot of guys going for you real easy.”
“Raul!” Vern thundered.
“ok, gotta go.”