Little Angels Day at the Museam Scene 5


When we arrived at their house, their mother was already home and getting dinner ready.

“I hope they weren’t too terrible,” she said.

“Oh no, they were just precious little angels,” I replied.

“River sweetie, did you leak?” she asked as her daughter took off her shoes.

“No, Ibo did.”

This confused her mother, but I explained the kind gesture River did on the bus and her mother was quite impressed. The kids went upstairs and their mother settled the payment with me.

The kids then ran through the kitchen and into the living room, both naked from the waist down save from soggy Pull-Ups dangling from their bottoms.

“Perhaps next time we should send some proper Huggies with you,” their mother whispered. “It’ll save on all those leaky Pull-Ups they go through.”

“Nooooooo!” the kids shouted from the TV.

I smiled at their mother, with an unsure glance wondering whether or not she was serious. They certainly would look cute in real baby diapers. But River is going to be in middle school soon. She might get too big one day.

That was just the first day trip I took with River and Ibo. It wasn’t the last and it certainly wasn’t the most interesting. Maybe one day I’ll tell you some more. After all, I love sharing stories about my precious little angels.