Georgina of the Fifth35

Georgina was her ally in that respect, and even Lesbia gave a little desultory help.

There was a thick, bowery lime tree under whose shade it was delightful to have tea in summer or to lie reading books on hot Sundays

there was a fascinating corner of the old wall,


which the girls called “the rampart”,

from whence it was possible to command an excellent view of the main road–a great convenience sometimes to the younger ones,

who would keep watch, and beat a hasty retreat if they saw an unwelcome visitor arriving, leaving Beatrice to offer hospitality alone.

Georgina was the worst sinner in this respect.

She was bashful and hated to have to say “How do you do?” to callers.

In spite of Beatrice’s efforts to train her in social ways, she would fly at the very approach of a flower-trimmed hat or a white parasol.