Her Name Is Lea Finale Scene 157

I tried to attain some form of cheerful smile for Lea’s sake during this situation that the three of us were in, but ultimately failed as she saw right through my disguise. With a hostile motion, she slowly walked toward us. I took a decent sized chair nearby and sat on it and with my other arm, picked up the little girl that was in front of me and placed her on my lap. Amber took a similar chair close by to sit down on.

“Listen,” I began calmly. “The way magazines work is that when they see a topic that they know will interest the public they will do whatever it takes to find answers; if nothing is found after a certain period of time, they will usually give up.” I explained with both Amber and Lea staring intently.

“Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.” I added grimly. “If a paparazzi or tabloid or whatever does find some information leading to this old, practically-forgotten topic, it might get even more popular… or worse for our case.”

I looked down at Lea, who was now leaning her head to my chest face down. It seemed like she was worried about something; but I don’t think it could’ve been what I had just been explaining… Could it? Did she really understand everything I was saying? I looked back up at Amber who was also staring at the little girl sitting on my lap.

This had not been this first time I had to deal with magazines getting too interested in my personal life; there was always that quick solution I had used a countless number of times, and apparently it was needed for this situation as well. I knew it’d be difficult with Lea’s processing still having one more week to finish up, but it was definitely possible.

“Well, it looks like we’re heading to New York.” I said.
If Amber had been shocked about the news before my little announcement, then there wasn’t a word to describe what she looked like as I said this.

“What do you mean?” She asked unsurely.

“Look, I have this really nice apartment in the city that will definitely help keep us under the radar. Hardly any paparazzi search Manhattan for people since there’s too many there to begin with! It’ll be impossible to track us.” I cheerfully explained.

With her shocked expression fading, Amber began to grow on my idea.
“when?” She asked, still wary.

“How about the day after Lea finally gets to leave the orphanage? It’ll give us time to pack and stuff.” I suggested.

Our smiles gradually appeared as the plan began to shape in our minds. I saw uncertainty still lingering in Amber’s face and asked if something was wrong.

“It’s just I’ve always wanted to go to New York someday… But not like this.” She replied sadly. “The plan sounds pretty solid, but I also don’t know what I’m going to do about work here.”

“I guess you’re right… There aren’t enough people here to cover for you if you’re away?” I asked back.

“I would assume so; but it’s not like I’m taking a sick day. How long do you think it would take for this problem to die down?”

“That I don’t know. Usually it’d take about a month or so before the public takes an interest in another scandal or whatever. I hope it can work out even sooner though.” I explained.

“I have an idea!” Amber spoke up. “There’s a friend that I know that might just be able to cover for me while I’m away.” She continued. “She had originally signed up to work here but didn’t get the job. I just hope she’s still available.” Pulling out her cell phone and quickly dialing a sequence of numbers, Amber waited for a response from her call. The loud ringing sounded off only once and the other line picked up immediately.

“Oh my god, Amber was that you on ‘Hollywood Unveiled’ with Marshall freaking Soel?! Oh My God!” Ashley, a close friend of Amber’s, exclaimed through the speaker phone.

“Listen Ashley, I have a big favor to ask you.” Amber said, completely ignoring her friend’s shrieks.

Apparently the tone of in the caretaker’s voice settled her friend down.
“Is something wrong?” She asked worriedly.

“Well, because of this whole problem with being on the news, I think it might be safer to keep myself on the down-low for a little bit, you know? That’s why I’m calling you. Remember that Orphanage you applied to a while back?” Amber asked hopefully.

“You mean the one that never called me back and gave you the job I was applying for?” Ashley replied bluntly.

“Um, yeah; I kind of need someone to cover for me while I’m away Ash. I know how good you are with kids, and I wouldn’t entrust anyone else to this job.”

“I don’t know…”

“You’ll be getting double my pay! Please, I really need your help.” Amber pleaded.

“Wait, did you say double pay?” Ashley replied, livelier than usual.