Thomas’s tummy gurgled noisily with all the oatmeal and milk he had ingested earlier. There was an intense sensation from his rectum that meant he needed to take a dump immediately. “Oh no!”, he thought in embarrassed dismay, “I’m going to shit my diaper in front of Mary!”
The pressure was turning into an unpleasant ache when he felt an abdominal rumble that quickly disappeared. As the pressure completely vanished, he felt a muscular ripple deep inside himself. He felt a slight movement of his bowels, accompanied by an equally faint wave of pleasure from deep within his belly. All at once, a shiver of intense physical delight ran up his spine as his anal sphincter completely relaxed and opened fully. Thomas sighed in relief and then tensed up as the sensation returned again. The second bowel movement lasted a much longer time. The pleasurable sensation grew in intensity, becoming a quivering throb that rolled through his pelvis and sent tingling thrills coursing up and down his spine. It radiated from the perineum, beneath and behind his pubic region to his belly button and was accompanied by a hot rushing sensation surrounding his crotch. A warm languid feeling of relaxation and release enveloped him and he floated momentarily in the physical bliss that remained as the odd sensation subsided.
The experience dazed him and he smiled vacantly as he stood, spellbound, half-crouched and holding onto the side of the playpen. Whatever had happened to him had felt almost as good as an orgasm! His lucidity returned and he realized what he had done. He moaned inwardly as tears of shame welled up in his eyes and he started to cry. He came to the realization that after ten years of intense pleasure from pooping in his diapers, potty training would be so difficult as to be next to impossible. Most likely, he’d never be potty trained again and be forced to wear diapers for the rest of his life.
Mary looked over at him with a concerned expression on her face and said, “What’s wrong Tommy?”
She smiled at him with an expression of amused tolerance as the smell of a dirty diaper reached her and said, “Does baby need his dydee changed?”
He looked up at her with tears streaming down his face. She smiled at his complete humiliation and chuckled, “Diddums poop in his dydee?”
Thomas looked at her in desperation. “Aunt Mary’s busy right now. Aunt Mary will change you when she’s finished changing Bobby. Mary re-diapered Bobby, put him in the playpen, then took Thomas out of the playpen and made him lie on his back on the floor. She knelt beside him with one of Bobby’s clean diapers and unfastened his diaper pins. Mary pulled his diaper down between his legs and looked at the stinking mess in the diaper. “That’s a gooood baby. He made a good poopy in his dydee.”
He scowled at the condescending tone in her voice. “It’s bad enough to be an incontinent infant, but praising me for shitting in my diaper is too much! She doesn’t have to be patronizing about it!,” he thought.
She pulled down the front of his diaper between his legs to expose Thomas’s sadly dwindled genitals. Taking a baby wipe from the small travel case of Bobby’s diaper bag, she thoroughly cleansed his tiny penis and balls, working backwards from his leg creases to the area underneath his scrotum. Next, she grasped his ankles with one hand just as she had Bobby a few minutes earlier and lifted his bottom off of the dirty diaper so she could fold the front of his diaper onto the back. She finished cleansing his buttocks by using the baby wipe to swab him down from the cleanest area on his crotch, his genitals, to the dirtiest area, his rectum. After cleaning his bottom, she gently dried him and lifted him by the ankles again. After Mary topped and tailed him, she slid one of his son’s disposable diapers under his bottom and fasten the tapes firmly. Once she finished re-diapering him, Mary sat him back in his playpen and put one of Bobby’s pacifiers in his mouth. Mary took Thomas’s dirty diaper to the bathroom to dump it’s contents into the toilet. He sat sullenly and wondered how long it would be until his Mother got back. The idea of his ex-wife babysitting him was embarrassing, but to have her change his diaper was humiliating.