A Husbands Adult Babyhood Scene 4


He lay back and luxuriated in the experience of being diapered by his wife and pondered, “I wonder where she bought these diapers, I’ve never seen anything like them. These aren’t anything like the diaper I was wearing before. They have the same look and feel as flannelette diapers made for babies.” Brian felt his legs pushed apart by the diaper’s thick, soft folds. “These cloth diapers aren’t as thin as the ones I’ve been using,” he thought as she pinned one side of his diaper. “They’re so bulky they make me bowlegged. If I try to walk, I’ll waddle like a one-year old and fall! I’ll have to crawl to the bathroom to change,” he sulked.

He reached over and picked up his glasses lying on the floor next to him; he had taken them off when he lay down on the floor to let her change his diapers. Holding them with both hands, Brian spread the arms off the glasses and put them on. The glasses promptly slid sideways off his nose and to one side of his face. Brian attempted to straighten them on his nose, only to have them fall on the other side of his face. He couldn’t understand it, the glasses had become to big to fit his face! They were enormous!


His wife smiled tolerantly at his feeble struggle to put on his glasses; he looked so adorable playing with them. She gently removed them from his face and put them on the floor behind her saying, “You don’t need these now Brian, babies don’t wear glasses. Mommy will put these away for you until you grow up.”

The experience with his glasses had frightened Brian badly. Something was very wrong! He wanted the game to stop now! “I’ve changed my mind, Cathy. I don’t want to play this game anymore! I want to go to work!,” he simpered.

She smiled maternally and said, “It’s much too late to change your mind, darling,” then finished putting the last pin in his diaper. “You’re a baby now and that’s all there is to it! Don’t worry darling, it won’t be so bad. We have plenty of money, you don’t really need to work. You’re just in a rut. Mommy has the cure for that! She’ll keep you so busy with baby experiences you won’t be able to get bored! Mommy will take you visiting and let you meet all of her friend’s babies. You’ll make lots of new friends your age! Mommy will buy lots of baby toys to keep you occupied! You’ll see! You’ll forget all about working! In a month or so you probably won’t remember you ever had a job.

Since this is your first day as Mommy’s baby, Mommy has something special planned for you. This afternoon, I’ve invited some of my friends to bring their babies here for you to play with. I want all my friends to see what a darling baby I have. Mommy will dress you in a diaper and baby-blue panties and nothing else so Mommy’s friends can see your cute little body. You’ll look so adorable crawling around the floor in your diapers with the other babies. You can watch the other babies and learn to crawl and suck your thumb just like all of Mommy’s friend’s babies. Mommy wouldn’t want you to feel out of place when she takes you visiting.

We’ll put you in a playpen with the other tots where you can act as babyish as you want. Won’t it be fun to stand at the side of the playpen and pee your diaper in front of everyone? Mommy will pretend she’s busy and ask one of her friends to change your dydee. You’ve always been so proud of your masculine endowments. Now everyone will be able to see just what you’ve got! If you’re good, Mommy will let you stay out of the playpen to visit with her friends. They’ll bounce you on their knees and tickle you and make a big fuss over you. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? Maybe one of Mommy’s friends who is nursing will give you a little titty. You’d like that! Mommy knows how much you do.”