Circumstances Scene 54

Jack was having an easier time with his wardrobe, since his personal assortment and provided assortment effectively worked for him. Oh sure, the pants were a little baggier than he preferred, but the previous day had taught him that the addition of a diaper took care of any excess sagging and made the pants a comfortable fit. From his own bag, he took out a non-descript gray shirt, took up a clean pair of pants from the room’s dresser and headed for the showers. He was actually ahead of Chastity, the poor girl still mulling between overalls and a skirt.
He was also in and out of the shower a lot faster than she was, too. Not having long hair or legs that needed shaving, he was able to simply enjoy the hot water flowing over him and the feeling of becoming clean after coming out of a rather saturated diaper. The things had a tendency to leave skin feeling clammy, he thought, and although they did their job admirably, that was the one side effect he wasn’t fond of. Oh well; nothing’s perfect, he thought as he went about rinsing off.
When he emerged from the shower some minutes later and dried off, Jean was waiting for him just around the corner. At first it surprised him that she would be in the boys’ showers, but the decidedly nonplussed expression she wore reminded him that her position had likely dispelled all notions of embarrassment or foul play. She was also carrying a diaper, and already was wearing her exam gloves. “Not to be a jerk or anything, but can’t that wait until we’re back in the room?” he asked.
“I’m afraid not; yesterday was a fluke day, John. Today regular policy goes into action.”
Jack didn’t particularly like the sound of that. “Regular policy?” he repeated.
“Regular policy. Basically, whenever a charge is finished bathing, it’s right back into diapers. Even though these tile floors are easy to clean, it’s simply easier to do it this way.”
“I see,” Jack said. “What else is there in terms of regular policy?”
“Well, I’d tell you now but it’s a bit of a spiel. It can wait until after you’re diapered,” Jean said.