Jessica walked back into the house and ever so carefully went up to her room. She opened her top dresser drawer and pulled out a manila envelope in which she kept the money she earned from babysitting. In it, she had about one hundred dollars she was saving for a rainy day. “Well, it’s not raining,” Jessica thought to herself, “but I could sure use this money now.” Deciding to wait until she got home to change out of her wet diaper and into a fresh one, she put the money in her purse and headed downstairs and out to her car.
Sitting down for the first time since she’d wet, she realized how close to leaking her diaper actually was. “Not much I can do now except hope that it doesn’t leak between here and the store.” she thought to herself. She put on a pair of sunglasses and backed out of her driveway. A wide grin spread across her face as she drove out towards the Baby Depot. It took her about twenty minutes to get there with traffic and all. She got out of her car and grabbed a shopping cart. Her heart was racing and she was immediately self-conscious. What if she ran into someone she knew? What if the Roberts were here shopping for Amanda?
The first thing Jessica did when she entered the store was to scope it out looking for people she knew. Seeing no one, she walked slowly to the diaper aisle, hoping that her heart would stop pounding. She walked up to the side of the aisle with the girls’ diapers and began scanning them for Pampers Princess brand. So busy with her scanning was she that she didn’t notice that a sales associate walked right up to her.