Jennifer scowled and kicked one of the wheels of the teenage sized baby walker. Causing the boy to wail louder.
“What’s going on?”
A stern voice from behind caused all three girls and the boy to turn to look at a daycare worker who had quite a concerned expression on their face.
“This stupid baby almost killed me!”
Jennifer complained, huffing with her arms crossed over her boobs in a stereotypical sulk.
“Jennifer, you need to be careful around those who are learning to walk. You can’t be reckless around them.”
“I wasn’t being…”
“No back chat young lady or you’ll be in time out.”
Jennifer went red with anger.
“HEY! I didn’t do anything wrong! It was him”
She pointed wildly at the walker boy. Her angry tone of voice was enough for the daycare worker though as Jennifer was grabbed by the wrist and led over to a corner.
“Ooh Jennifer is going on the naughty chair” Sarah said with hushed horror.
Jennifer kicked and screamed and protested her innocence, but her temper tantrum only sealed her punishment. Molly and Sarah watched from their original spots beside the walker teenager as Jennifer was made to sit on a small wooden stool facing into the corner. Molly could hear the Daycare worker scolding Jenny and she felt bad for her friend. Still Jennifer didn’t have to be so mean. She looked at the boy in the walker.
“Are you okay?”
The boy nodded meekly and tottered unstably away from the two remaining girls.
Molly watched him leave. Maybe if Jennifer was at his level then she wouldn’t be that mean. She pulled the device from her bear without another thought and pushed the button.
“Teenagers my age are only just learning to walk”
She did like the idea of getting a shot in that baby walker. She closed her eyes and waited for the blackness to swamp her. She let the air settle back to normality before she opened her eyes and found herself sat with Sarah and Jennifer back in the playpen. They had only just gotten out of here. She pushed herself to her feet and then her knees buckled under her and she flopped back down onto her bottom.
It was such a strange sensation to not have the strength in her legs to hold her body up. She giggled and tried again. She managed to stand but the minute she tried to take a step she just collapsed in a giggling heap. Giving up Molly crawled over to where Sarah and Jennifer were playing and she sat there sucking on the ear of her teddy bear, the device still held safe within. A happy content smile on her lips as she watched her friends play. Today was shaping up to be one of the best days of her life.