Some other children began to point fingers and say ‘that baby pooed in her diape, where’s her mommy?!’. Melissa knew immediately that they were picking on Molly and quickly said to the other mothers ‘I think I’ve got another poopy one on the way’ as they all laughed together. Melissa went over to the play area and quickly scooped up Molly and felt the mushy poo press against her arm as she picked her up. Molly decided to say ‘Mommy, I think I did a little poo poo in my diaper’. ‘Yes I think you did’ replied Melissa who was happy to know that atleast she knew she had pooped in her diaper and wasn’t completely unaware. As Melissa approached the other mothers, one said ‘Hey baby, done a little poopy there?’. Don’t worry Melissa, said another ‘I’ll change her’. Melissa, not looking forward to another poopy diaper quickly gave the task to another mother.
The other mother who’s name was Jane, quickly told Molly to lie down. She quickly slipped off her dress and saw that Molly was wearing a Pampers Baby Dry diaper. She asked Melissa, she wears Pampers Baby Dry? ‘Isn’t she a little too big for them?’ Melissa just replied saying they were a perfect fit, but she was looking for some ones to get her through potty training with. ‘Funny’ said Jane. She began to undo the tapes and she pulled down the front part of the diaper to reveal the poopy mess. She quickly said ‘Wow, baby really did do a big poopy huh’. Molly just pretended not to hear what she had said and swaddled in the grass as she was getting her diaper changed.
As she cleaned her she asked Melissa if she ever needed someone to come look after Molly all day while she was at work, and Melissa accepted the offer with much appreciation. The day at the park was fun, but the next day Melissa would have work again. Knowing she had work, she called up Jane and asked if she could look after Molly for about eight hours.
Jane had a six month old baby and would bring her baby along to play with Molly. At about nine in the morning, Jane arrived with plenty of diapers. She came in with a portable changing table, bottles of milk, and her own two breasts which were full of milk. She quickly put down her stuff and sat Bailey (her baby) on the sofa next to Molly. Molly was just in her Pj’s but Jane asked if she could just sit in her diaper for the rest of the day as it would be easier to change her. As Molly took of her pj’s she had wet the night before and there was a large yellow patch on her diaper which obviously resulted in a swift diaper change from Jane.
The morning was very slow paced but very quickly, Jane was obviously set on making a complete baby out of Molly. As Molly came for lunch, there was a high chair and stuffed teddy bears everywhere as Bailey was being fed baby food. Jane quickly scooped up Molly and set her in the high chair saying ‘it’s time for baby’s lunch, and later I think a little nap with some breastfeeding.’ Molly was fine with being the baby, but was not sure about the breastfeeding and the highchair. She would have no say in it whatsoever as Jane put Molly into the high chair and began to feed her Gerber baby food. She also gave her a sippy cup full with milk formula. Jane, however was intent on making Molly poop her diaper severely and to have many diaper changes during the day as to play around with her for a bit. She gave her milk with a fair dose of milk of magnesia in it which definitely would make her poop in her diaper. She began to forcefully make Molly eat the food and within ten minutes Molly had pooped in her diaper without knowing it, in large amounts, causing the diaper to leak and poo to go everywhere. Jane immediately replied by saying that she was a ‘very bad poopy baby’ and decided to make Molly’s life as a baby the worst it could be. As soon as her diaper leaked she took her and spanked her bottom making the poo come out some more.