Lizzy sat up in her playpen. It had been a couple of weeks since her mother had made the deal. The days were blending together. After all each day was the same as the last. She was either in her playpen or in her highchair. She was even getting bored of being in diapers. Her day seemed to go from diaper change to diaper change. Still Lizzy was not ready to call it quits just yet. Lizzy was very content. It was then that her mother dropped a bombshell.
” I’m going out tonight. ” Sandra told her daughter. ” OK ” Lizzy replied.
” So tonight you will have a sitter. ”
This piece of news surprised Lizzy. Why did she need a sitter. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. She was about to tell her mother so when Sandra spoke.
” normally, i would be OK with you by yourself. But you wanted to be treated like a baby and babies get sitters.”
Lizzy just looked at her mother. ” So who is gonna watch me then? ” Lizzy asked.” I got a hold of Keri. ” her mother answered. Lizzy looked at her mother. The only Keri that Lizzy knew off was her old babysitter from a decade ago.
” Keri? ” Lizzy inquired.
” Your old babysitter. ” Her mother responded. Lizzy looked at her mother. She wanted to argue the point. That she didn’t need babysitter. Still it was hard to argue. She did need to be a baby. She was not sure as to why only that she as filling a need in her life. Lizzy looked at her mother and simply nodded in agreement.
The rest of the day was pretty normal. Soon Lizzy was waking up from her afternoon nap. As she stretched in her bed she herd voices downstairs. Laughter could be herd as well. Lizzy sat up in her bed. were they laughing at her? Lizzy started to cry. She was not some freak that deserved to be laughed at. was she? Lizzy just sat in her bed and sucked her pacifier as the tears fell down her face. She was just a normal kid who wanted something so bad that it hurt. Now she was getting that very thing and it felt so good in so many ways. Yet part of Lizzy was not sure. She debated going downstairs and telling them off when she heard voices coming closer to her. One thing was certain her mother was not alone. Any minute now and she would be exposed to another person. Lizzy took a deep breath. As she breathed out her bladder emptied itself into her diapers. A second later and her mother opened her bedroom door.
” I see we are up” Sandra said upon seeing her daughter. It was then that Sandra noticed the tears.
” Have we been crying?’
” Yes”
” why have you been crying my dear? ”
Lizzy looked at her mother. Behind her stood Keri. Both of them looked concerned and Lizzy felt a wave of emotions come over her. Soon she found herself crying so more as she explained the reason fro the tears. How she had heard the laughter and thought it was about her and how it made her feel.
Sandra smiled at Lizzy and brushed her hair out of her eyes. ” Honey do not be silly. We were not laughing at you. ” Sandra started to explain. ” We were just sharing parenting stories and having a ball. ”
” Parenting stories? ” Lizzy asked and she dried her tears.
” Yes.” Sandra said. ” Keri here is a new Mother and was sharing with me all the joys of having a newborn in the house. I was remembering when you were a newborn and sharing that with her. We did talk about your return to babyhood and Keri is fine with it. ”
” That’s true” Keri Finally spoke. ” I would never laugh at you kid. ”
This seemed to calm Lizzy down a bit and she was able to stop crying. After a quiet moment or two. ” So now what? ” Lizzy asked.
” I am thinking you could spend sometime in your playpen till dinner. ”
” OK. ”
” but first I think you need a diaper change”
Lizzy just nodded and laid down. This was another test. She was about to have her diaper changed in front of someone else. Lizzy closed her eyes as her mother went to work on getting her into fresh pants.