Stories we Tell Scene 141

Margaret was honest and forthright in her request – and it made sense. A flicker of hope danced into Jordan’s shame ridden mind however. Maybe I can get out of this then…

“…W….Well…that makes sense I guess Margaret…B…But ya see…I didn’t know and so I…I didn’t bring any of my GoodNites with me…”

“Oh I see. Hmm. Well that shouldn’t be a problem. We have many of the very same products here available at the hospital. I’ll get you something for tonight and then we’ll get you wired up. Ok?”

Jordan felt defeated. I have to wear…a GoodNite…In front of all these strangers?!? And I picked out my cutest pajamas to wear too! There’s no way people are not gonna notice that thing! They’re thick!

Margaret exited the room leaving mother and daughter alone once again.

“Mooom!! Do something!” The twelve year old whined.