Erin lay sprawling face down on her bed. She wasn’t quite sure what to think of the situation. Hailey had claimed she liked to wet herself.
Certainly, Erin was no stranger to accidents, and she’d certainly learned to tolerate wet sheets, pants, and diapers. But she couldn’t imagine peeing anywhere other than the toilet voluntarily.
A poisonous thought crawled its way into Erin’s mind. Is this the reason why Hailey was willing to wear diapers to bed?
Erin was suddenly mad at herself. Here she’d been, all this time, assuming that Hailey was going to the trouble of wearing diapers that she didn’t need, just to help her cousin feel better about herself. Erin had been impressed with Hailey’s helpfulness, and had taken it as a clue that someone might finally like her, a feeling she’d been sorely lacking in recent years.