Meek chuckled a bit. “Oh yeah, they let me drink coffee! Uncle Bob said if I was doing man’s work, then I was man enough to drink coffee like him and Andy!” “Bet your parents wouldn’t have liked that.” I commented. “Actually dad didn’t care, but mom had a fit when she came to […]
Alvin in the Third Scene 143
I was sunk, I had no other option then to undress in front of eleven strangers (I counted) and let them see that I too was wearing a diaper. As to whether mine was wet or not, that remained to be seen. Sadly, it was; and more so than Joeys seemed to have been. […]
Alvin in the First Scene 144
Boy that bottled water was sure cold and when she was satisfied that I was clean enough down there she slid a dry diaper under my bottom and pulled the front up over my privates. That’s when we all heard some kid shout, “Mommy see, I told you he wears diapers just like me!” […]
Birthday Baby Scene 58
At that assurance from the matriarch, one of Karen’s aunts got a bib out of a nearby drawer, “We actually didn’t give him any yet – we were afraid he’d get it everywhere.” “Erm… Well, sounds about right…” As she set her cooing brother in his highchair (and admittedly feeling a twinge of annoyance […]
The Boss Baby Scene 1
“Tom, can I see you in my office please?” It was the Boss’ voice over the intercom. I looked up from my computer and around my cubicle. Me? The boss never called me into his office. When we passed by each other, he never even seemed to notice me. As I sauntered to his office […]
A Girl’s Wet Skiing Adventure Scene 146
Mama holds your hand the whole way there, and it turns out everything she needed to buy was for you. Mama seemed to be right, as no one was even looking your way. Under all the layers, you can barely smell your poopy nappy as mama leads you into the pharmacy. Grabbing a […]
Dacianas Littles Scene 10
Innocently intended though the question was, Serghei found it infuriating beyond endurance, and had no difficulty in identifying its source: the fair lady was trying, not very successfully, to pursue Mr. Rakovic, who was backing up the street and taking shots out of the car window, causing her to lose a lot of time in […]