Anna’s AB Charges Scene 34

  Daniel crawled into his room and was soon settled in his crib with a fresh bottle and a kiss from Mommy. Anna returned to the living room, “Come here baby Tasha.” She ordered as she waddled over to her. “Lay down like a good baby, so Mommy can change your diapers.” Natasha lay down […]

Meg’s Transformation Scene 215

  Stephen was counting up his spare change (of which he had plenty) when Megan approached. “The next time I buy an ice cream,” he proudly declared. “I’m paying entirely in pennies!” “That’s not nice.” “Yeah, well, that’s what he gets for running out of chocolate.” “Hey Steve,” she interrupted. “Am I a bad person?” […]

Little Doubting Thomas Scene 155

  Thomas’s tummy gurgled noisily with all the oatmeal and milk he had ingested earlier. There was an intense sensation from his rectum that meant he needed to take a dump immediately. “Oh no!”, he thought in embarrassed dismay, “I’m going to shit my diaper in front of Mary!” The pressure was turning into an […]

Her Name Is Lea Finale Scene 160

  The table listened silently as I began my tirade upon the three men fearfully staring at me. “Please calm down Marshall…” George vainly replied as my face grew red. “You shut the hell up! Do you have any idea how much precious time, money, and resources I’ve spent on this film?! A-and now you’re […]