Our Aunty Janet Babysits X

We had an ‘aunty’ who was really a young work colleague of dad’s, whom our family befriended. We loved Janet dearly and she was super-indulgent of us boys. One night she agreed to babysit us while our parents went out. We behaved appallingly, and would have tried the patience of a saint, let alone an […]

Mrs Tranter Smacks Hardx

As a lad who grew up in the early 60s in Stoke-on-Trent, England, I was no stranger to the odd swipe across the face or backside etc. However, one of the most memorable and embarrassing experiences happened when I was about eight years old. My parents had split up and I was fostered out to […]

Stepsister PamelaX

My most memorable and embarrassing spanking was when I was in my formative years . My Mother and step father were going out to dinner at some fancy restaurant and I was left with my 19-year-old stepsister Pamela. At the time, I had started wetting my bed again and my Mother had recently put me […]

Aunt Jenny’s HouseX

When I was about seven, my parents went on a trip to see my grandma in Glasgow (we lived in Leeds), so I was sent to my Aunt Jenny’s house for the week. On the first day, I went to the shop with auntie and I met some children who were roughly the same age […]

Miss Parsley the School Nursex

Some 50 years ago, when I was in the second grade, about the middle of the morning I had a mild tummy ache. I went and told the teacher and she said: “David, I see Miss Parsley (the school nurse) just coming in. Go to the nurse’s dispensary at once.” Miss Parsley was 40ish, very […]

Our Own Matriarch REDO

Betty was our matriarch, We used to go for long, innocent walks on Sunday mornings. When I say innocent, I mean that in those days – around 1939 – kids accepted the standards of their parents: we did not use ‘rude’ words or talk about anything ‘rude’ – such as bottoms, or anything sexual. I […]

A Smacked Bottom (( Asking for it!))x

In my day and age, if a child was naughty, the inevitable response from an adult was: “Somebody is asking for a smacked bottom” – which of course was very confusing, because who would want that? Nevertheless, whether or not a naughty child wanted a spanked bottom or not was irrelevant because once those words […]