Footballers/celebrities caned at school18

JamieMurphy 12022 Unread postJul 27, 2023#171 Keith Chegwin, television broadcaster and actor probably best-known for children’s television in the 70s and 80s, was given six of the best for dunking a teacher’s hat in the school goldfish bowl at Barbara Speake Stage School, London. No details available including whether it was a male or female […]

Footballers/celebrities caned at school14

Fascint44 11 Jun 11, 2020#131 True. Just wish more was written about it in biographies and autobiographies. Some surprises amongst the well-behaved guys too as I remember – such as Jonathon Edwards the clean-cut tripple jumper who in an interview said that even he got the slipper at school. Like most of us, some of […]

Footballers/celebrities caned at school13

lansallos 16212 Jun 08, 2020#121 Three different versions. I’m now not believing the latest especially the reference to a golf club being used. Does not make sense. Thankfully untrue I think. Quote Like Share hcj44 22823 Jun 08, 2020#122 Iansallos wrote: “Three different versions. I’m now not believing the latest especially the reference to a […]

Footballers/celebrities caned at school12

lansallos 16212 Jun 06, 2020#111 Rachel Johnson describes her schooldays at Ashdown House in her autobiography. It was an all boys school but her eccentric father persuaded the headmaster Clive Williams to take her and one other girl. She said despite feeling homesick she had great fun. Two girls in an all boys school – […]

Footballers/celebrities caned at school17

neilmc32 18729 May 18, 2023#161 Maybe this is really weird but I have two daughters-in-law aged 35-40  and both were caned at home by their fathers at least occasionally! One is British, has three sisters and their harassed father is an ex-Navy man and had no qualms about spanking his daughters and kept a cane […]

Footballers/celebrities caned at school16

six of the best 1,163109 May 13, 2023#151 Even a major Victorian train disaster and mention of what is probably the world’s longest ‘soap’ albeit a radio one has not spurred any recent posts on the main subject of this forum. Many modern UK youngsters would scarcely believe that a significant number of the last […]