Mrs Susan Symington Scene 3

Fortunately, Randy’s mother used spanking through tenth grade so he has been much better behaved than most.” “Oh, I see. So he’s used to being punished this way?” “Yes, he is. Susan, which makes it a lot easier around here on nights like tonight. If he didn’t have a traditional upbringing, Randy probably never would […]

Sarahs Mother, Scene 8

I hurried home. I was late for my tea, but in my house this was passed over with a mild admonition.. “Er, Mrs Hibbard asked me to go back and help her some more after I’ve done my homework,” I said. “Oh really, Archie, I don’t think you can go back there again tonight,” my […]

Miss Caulsan Scene 2

  After an hour of twiddling and fiddling and impatient wiggling on the sofa, staring at those horrible canes, I glanced at the clock above the door. It was four-ten. I nearly began to weep. It was bad enough to be caned worse was the interminable waiting! Finally, I heard a slight creak from the […]