Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Thyme. Burning thyme gets rid of insects in your house. A bed of thyme was thought to be a home for fairies.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Tarragon. Put in shoes before long walking trips to give strength. It has been used to relieve toothache and as an antifungal.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Summer Savory. It was believed to be an aphrodisiac. Some thought it was a cure for deafness.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Sage. Thought to promote strength and longevity and believed to cure warts. American Indians used it as a toothbrush.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Rosemary. Rosemary in your hair will improve your memory. It will protect you from evil spirits if you put a sprig under your pillow.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Mint. It was believed to cure hiccups and counteract sea-serpent stings. The Romans wore peppermint wreaths on their heads. It was added to bathwater for its ...
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Parsley. Used for wreaths and in funeral ceremonies. Believed to repel head lice and attract rabbits.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Oregano. Used for “sour humours” that plagued old farmers. Also used for scorpion and spider bites.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Marjoram. The Greeks believed it could revive the spirits of anyone who inhaled it. At weddings wreaths and garlands were made of marjoram.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Lovage. Chewing on a piece of the dried root will keep you awake. Lovage warms a cold stomach and help digestion. Added to bathwater, it was believed to relie...
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Garlic. It was thought to give strength and courage. Aristotle noted garlic’s use as a guard against the fear of water. It’s also been widely used against evi...
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Dill. Romans made wreaths and garlands out of dill. Dill keeps evil away.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Chives. Bunches of chives hung in your home were used to drive away diseases and evil.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Fennel. Bunches of fennel were used to drive off evil. It was used in love potions and as an appetite suppressant.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Chervil. Eating a whole plant would cure hiccups; chervil was said to warm old and cold stomachs.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Caraway Caraway was used to scent perfumes and soaps. The Greeks used it for upset stomachs.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Borage The Romans believed the herb to be an antidepressant, and ancient Celtic warriors took it for courage.
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Basil Precious to lovers in Italy and considered sacred in India. Many years ago, Italian men wore a sprig of basil to indicate their intended marriage. A cup ...
Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Anise Romans paid taxes with anise, and it was used in cough drops.
Herbal magic is often used alongside many other forms of magic. Used as talismans and amulets – for example in a pouch or bag – herbs become protective; the oil from herbs can also be used in candle m...
This a poppet spell for healing designed to improve your own personal health, though you could use it to direct healing energy to other people if you wanted (you’ll need their hair though). White fabr...
Did you know that cinnamon in your witch’s cabinet is super useful and super powerful? We’ve written an entire article on the magical and medicinal properties of cinnamon here, if you’d like to dive d...
Herbal magick can be a good source of curse spells, though finding some belladonna may not be that simple because it is poisonous. Dried belladonnaA black candleMetal filings or flakes of rustA small ...
SamhainChrysanthemum, wormwood, apples, pears, hazel, thistle, pomegranates, all grains, harvested fruits and nuts, the pumpkin, corn. YuleHolly, mistletoe, ivy, cedar, bay, juniper, rosemary, pine. P...
It may be a good idea to always label your herbs. Even the most adept herbalist can get confused once in awhile. The labeling method is another matter of choice. As I use my herbs for many purposes, I...
Have you ever felt the need for just a little extra strength? Take out the Bay Leaf. Bay lends strength to you or your purpose. Use bay in workings involving purification and protection. Bay is also u...
Ingredients St. John’s Wort Leaves And Blossoms90 Proof Alcohol Gather the fresh shoots of St. John’s Wort between the summer solstice and St. John’s Day (June 21 and June 24) at sunrise. Remove the b...
Health Benefits: Relieves nausea, digestive tonic, treats cramps, indigestion, and cramps, relieves colds, influenza, and associated fevers, treats asthma, bronchitis, and sinus infections, improves b...
Juniper is a cleansing and protective herb, well suited to the work of pulling pain from the mind, body, and spirit. 8 oz Organic Juniper Berry (Juniperuscommunis) 300 ml Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virgin...
ancients prized myrrh for its mystical properties and rich, beautiful aroma.Sweet smelling and rare, traders valued myrrh as a commodity literally worth its weight in gold.While the garden goes dorman...
Parsley is an extremely powerful herb, and it has been used for hundreds of years to reduce swelling and improve energy levels. Parsley is a natural diuretic, which means that it helps the body get ri...
To See Ghosts: Carry lavender and inhale its scent. To allay fears: Carry a mixture of nettle and yarrow. To Detect Witches: Carry a sachet of Rue, maidenhair, agrimony, broom-straw, and ground ivy. T...
General Information Honeysuckles are shrubs or vines with opposite oval-shaped leaves and their signature sweet-smelling tubular flowers. The flowers contain sweet nectar, but the fruit is poisonous. ...
Gender: Masculine Element: Air Planetary Association: Jupiter Element: Earth Several different planets are connected magickally with this herb by different sources. For instance, some, including Culpe...
Mature Basil leaves can be used for this technique. The resulting decoction is said to attract clients and prevent theft. YOU WILL NEED: Glass jar or metal container Handful of basil leaves One pint o...
Many Hindu families keep a tulsi or Holy Basil plant in a specially-built structure, which has images of deities installed on all four sides, with an alcove for a small earthenware oil lamp. Here basi...
This spell will give your new romance a kick-start. As the plant grows, so will the love and affection between you and the one you desire. Items needed: One small basil plant, earth, one rose quartz c...
Use this spell to protect your property or a loved one you may feel is in danger. Items needed. One black candle, one small stone from a cemetery, black cloth pouch filled with a pinch of each of the ...
Herbs provide us with an abundance of medicinal, as well as magickal substances. Most herbs are easily grown and cared for, because in reality they are weeds. Herbs will grow in the shade, in between ...
Rosemary (love, lust, healing, protection) Burn rosemary and Lavender for protection and healing. Place a sprig of rosemary under your loved one’s pillow so he or she will dream of you. Anoint green c...
Orange (divination, love, luck, prosperity) Mix dried orange peel, rose petals, and lavender buds to make a love drawing sachet. Anoint forehead with orange oil before doing divination. Mix orange and...
Galangal (money, lust, protection, psychic power) Powdered galangal is sprinkled on the ground to bring good luck and money. Pieces of galangal are carried to attract money. Galangal is burned as an i...
Basil – Basil is a wonderful, robust herb, which is attributed to a variety of magical uses such as consecration, divination, exorcism, fertility, fidelity, luck, happiness, harmony and love. Ba...
Anise – Attributed to protection, youth and purification, Anise is tied to the planet Jupiter and the element of Air. Anise aids in sleeplessness and helps to ward off bad dreams. To strengthen ...
Magically powerful plants masquerade as common kitchen herbs. Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over fennel, dill and chervil, then adding it to your bath water.
Balm of Gilead – Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing, Anti-bacterial, Expectorate and Ease of Rheumatic Pain.
Vervain, sometimes called verbena and lemon verbena, are often and easily confused. The two can complement one another: lemon verbena provides purification while vervain offers magical protection.Make...
Lavender has been used throughout the ages as a medium in oil burners and candles and for many temple rites and rituals.Dried lavender stems burn like incense sticks. They can be used in spells and ri...
Centuries ago, our ancestors used herbs for more than just seasoning soup. As a matter of fact, herbs were used for healing and Magick long before they were used as seasonings. But the Witches and the...
The first step in herbalism is to gather the tools you will need, and that is the main point of this first message. I have found the following useful and in many cases vital to learn and practice the ...
Again and again, some herbs seem worth the effort that don’t get nearly enough praise or press . . . in my opinion, anyway. You might want to give them a try if you haven’t already. 10.Pineapple Sage&...
Gardening is one of the most creative things you can do and an exercise in mindfulness. It keeps you grounded with a deep connection to the earth. Growing herbs to use in remedies and spellcraft is do...
Folk Names: Mykhet, Carenfil Gender: Masculine Planet: Jupiter Element: Fire Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money Magical Uses: Burned as an incense, cloves attract riches, drive away hostile and...
The next time you pass over that bit of green garnish on your plate, stop and think again, for that parsley is one of the oldest, tastiest, most nutritious, and easiest to grow of all our culinary her...
Valerian, native to Europe and North America, has long been used to treat anxiety, stress, muscle tension and insomnia. It contains valerenic acid and valeranon that help the body relax into a calm st...
Orris root (rhizoma iridis) is the root of Iris germanica and Iris pallida. It had the common name of Queen Elizabeth Root. Constituent chemicalsThe most valued component of orris root is oil of orris...
StatusAmber – Vulnerable and Near-ThreatenedBest Time to SeeJune, JulyColourYellow, WhiteHabitatGrassland A SMALL, ATTRACTIVE, CREEPING PLANT WITH DAISY-LIKE FLOWERS AND FEATHERY LEAVES. This perennia...
Powers: Luck, Money Magical Uses: To carry moss (any type) taken from a gravestone in your pocket is a good ensurer of luck, especially financial luck. Moss is used to stuff general-purpose poppets
Incense composition and use is an art form in itself. Basically, an incense is any combination of plant materials, perhaps combined with essential oils and a base, which are mixed together and burned ...
Prior to actually using herbs in magic, they can be enchanted. Enchantment (in a magical context) aligns the vibrations of the plants involved with your magical need. Thus it is a process that increas...
The humble herb and spice rack in your kitchen today need not be just a decorative feature, although they look quite pleasing to the eye hanging on the wall, in both modern and old fashioned styled ho...
(Aconitum napellus, Arnica latifolia, Arnica montana) Poison Folk Names: Aconite, Cupid’s Car, Dumbledore’s Delight, Leopard’s Bane, Monkshood, Storm Hat, Thor’s Hat, Wolf’s Hat Gender: Feminine Plane...
An old form of herb magic as well as medicine, an ointment is simply any fatty substance to which powdered herbs and/or oils have been added. A good example of this is found in the text under Mallow. ...
Baths are often used in herb magic, for they are an easy way to spread an herb’s power over the entire body.There are two methods; one, make a sachet (use about one-half to one cup of the appropriate ...
In the practice of magical herbery, the collections of what might be considered “herbs” is far greater than in the study of medicinal herbology. Magic can encompass so many thing, the possibilities ar...
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): Mugwort is well known as the premier herb for dreamwork. The silver on the underside of the leaves shows an affinity for the moon and the female reproductive system....
Since ancient times herbs have played a part in funerals. They’ve been used toscent graves and cremation fires, to fill amulet bags and in making wreaths todecorate burial places. BASIL: Protection, L...
Epilobium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Onagraceae, containing about 197 species. The genus has a worldwide distribution. It is most prevalent in the subarctic, temperate and subantarct...
Though extracting oils by steam distillation and other methods is almost prohibitively expensive, we are spared this cost by the wide availability of essential oils and synthetics on the market today....
(Lavendula officinale orL. vera) Flower: G Folk Names: Elf Leaf, Nard, Nardus, Spike Gender: Masculine Planet: Mercury Element: Air Powers: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, ...
(Prunus avium) Seed and wilted leaf: X Folk Names: Sweet Cherry, Mazzard Cherry Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus Element: Water Powers: Love, Divination Magical Uses: The cherry has long been used to st...
When cooking with fresh and dry herbs, there is a general rule when it comes to the ratio of fresh to dry. Because dried herbs are generally more potent and concentrated than fresh herbs. 1 tablespoon...
Herbs for Dry Hair:Burdock root, comfrey, elderflowers, Lavender , marsh mallow, parsley, sage, stinging nettle. Herbs for Damaged Hair:sage, rose, calendula, chamomile, burdock, thyme, rosemary Herbs...
Plant magic is an age old tradition dating back to ancient Egyptian times, it has been used for many purposes, such as healing, self empowerment, love spells and protection. Each plant has its own mag...
Similar to valerian, passionflower is recognized for its calming and sedative actions which are effective in helping to combat anxiety, fatigue, and sleep issues. It contains alkaloids, glycosides, an...
A handy key to the herbs of witchcraft. Each of the herbs listed has its own character and magickal properties. They are revealed to the Witch through study, meditation, and practice. For this glossar...
More and more people are turning to herbs because there is a growing disappointment with using pharmaceuticals for chronic illness. Many people are getting fed up with taking a pill that never really ...
(Anethum graveolens) G Folk Names: Aneton, Dill Weed, Dilly, Garden Dill, Chebbit, Sowa, Keper, Hulwa, Buzzalchippet Gender: Masculine Planet: Mercury Element: Fire Powers: Protection, money, Lust, Lo...
(Atropa belladonna) Poison Folk Names: Banewort, Black Cherry, Deadly Nightshade, Death’s Herb, Devil’s Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man’s Cherries, ...
Herbs and the minerals they contain is a very involved subject and should be we researched well beforehand. Minerals Calcium This mineral builds and protects bones and teeth. Helps maintain a regular ...
Herbalism, like midwifery skills, is one of the oldest parts of teaching within the craft, but is also one where we have lost a huge amount of information and where science has yet to catch up. Every ...
If you live in an area that gets very hot during the summer months, cover herbs with a layer of mulch to keep them from drying out. If you’re maintaining them in pots on your deck, opt for containers ...
Herbs play well with other plants. In fact, many of them (like rue, catnip, garlic and marigold) make good companion plants for pest control with vegetables and flowers. (When you don’t want to use pe...
Herbal medicines are still in use today. In some respects, they have gained a new momentum in the medical field. As many people seek alternative treatments and begin to check out traditional, and East...
In classical Greek science and medicine, everything in the universe has its own inherent nature and temperament, or balance of the Four Basic Qualities: Hot, Cold, Wet and Dry. This is the basis of ho...
Please refer to the herbs in the list for dosages and instructionsbefore attempting to take the herb. Some herbs are poisonous! Aches: rosemaryAcne: rosemary, thyme, witch-hazelAllergies:&nb...
Allspice, also known popularly as Jamaican pepper or pimento, is just what its name implies: a single spice that tastes like a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and pepper, which add...
There are hundreds of plants used all over the world, which are used in herbal medicine as treatments for bacterial infections. Here are some of the most accessible and reliable. Bayberry (Myrica ceri...
To truly understand and appreciate the healing potential of herbal medicine, we must keep firmly in mind the key differences between herbal medicines and pharmaceutical drugs, and the advantages of th...
Although herbs are generally safe with very few side effects, one should be responsible and careful when using any herb. Some herbs can have dangerous interactions with conventional medications, so if...
No one knows, for sure, when humans began using herbs for medicinal purposes. The first written record of herbal medicine use showed up in 2800 B.C. in China. Since then the use of herbs has gained an...
Just to give some background, I struggle with pretty severe anxiety and depression, to begin with and I found eclectic paganism through witchcraft. Recently I’ve been feeling so much doubt/stress/anxi...
Always double check before attempting to take the herb. Some herbs are poisonous!Aches: rosemaryAcne: rosemary, thyme, witch-hazelAllergies: nettleAmenorrhea: chaste tree berryAnti...
The following list contains many of the herbs traditionally used by Witches and other magickal folks in dream magick, followed by their various applications: Anise To prevent nightmares, fill a white ...
Basil: Type: Herb Ruling Planet: Mars Ruling Element: Fire Parts used: leaves (fresh or dried) Magickal Properties: Protection, love, money. Specific Magick: Add to a spell bag to bring in money. Basi...
Anger– alyssum Animal Magic – cloth of gold Anti-Theft – Garlic, Juniper, Arthritis – buckeye Astral Projection – belladonna, Dittany of Crete Awareness – anise Balance – Holly, pine Banishing – black...
This zesty scented herb is actually part of the mint family and is said to promote a feeling of calm. Like lavender and chamomile, lemon balm is also said to encourage restful sleep and is a powerful ...