“Hello?” I croaked. I cleared my throat, coughed, and then tried to speak again, “Hello?” “Alvin!? Where the heck are you, man?” I knew straightaway that it was my friend Meek; the exuberant tenor of his voice gave him away. I again cleared my throat, ran my hand through my hair, and queried, “Meek?” Meek […]
Diaper Dimension Scene 66
The Principal stood up and walked over the eight year old Amazon. “Jeremy. Your parents are waiting for you up front.” The kid stood up. “But first,” she said. “I think you owe Mrs Grange an apology for lying and putting her in an awkward position.” Yeah, that tracked. Even acquitting me, Brollish was gonna […]
Whipping as Penalty
The Times, London, 11 December 1947 Amendments to new Bill From Our Parliamentary Correspondent Further amendments which have been tabled in the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Criminal Justice Bill seek to restore whipping as a punishment for male offenders. An amendment by Mr. Manningham-Buller and Mr. Gage proposes that a male offender may be […]
Wide Reform of Penal Code
The Times, London, 5 November 1947 Sentences less punitive Whipping to stop From Our Parliamentary Correspondent (extracts) In the Criminal Justice Bill, the text of which was issued yesterday, the Government propose to enact a series of penal reform measures which will make important changes in the treatment of juvenile and other offenders and in […]
The Birch
The ‘Isle of Man’ birch was, essentially, a group of canes bound together and, as such, bears almost no resemblance to the birch traditionally used in British schools – which was essentially a spray of twigs. I have no difficulty understanding how the IOM birch caused pain but I’ve always wondered about the ordinary birch. […]
Birch, Gaol for Sailor
Bucks Free Press, High Wycombe, 17 October 1947 Brutal Attack On Wycombe Woman FIFTEEN strokes of the birch, in addition to a sentence of 18 months’ imprisonment, were ordered by Mr. Justice Oliver at Bucks Assizes on Wednesday for a 23-years-old sailor who pleaded guilty to committing what was described as a “serious case of […]
‘Birch My Boy’ — Mother
Evening News, London, 14 August 1947 ‘No, No, No,’ Says a Woman Magistrate WHEN a ten-year-old boy appeared to-day at Manchester County Juvenile Court where the Court’s first birching for 15 years was ordered recently, his mother sobbed: “His father told me to ask you to give him one or two strokes just to teach […]