Woman magistrate who had boys birched starts row: ‘It’s back to barbarism,’ says colleague

Daily Mirror, London, 11 July 1947, p.1 A WOMAN magistrate who yesterday ordered birching for two boys — one a first offender — was criticised by fellow-magistrates in Manchester last night. Mrs. Eleanor Kershaw, a vicar’s daughter, presiding over Old Trafford, Manchester, Bench, told the boys, brothers aged ten and eleven, they would each get […]

The ‘Cat’ for a London Gunman

7 Years, Too: No Mercy For Armed Crime — Judge My Duty — No Leniency Masked Raid on an Inn SENTENCE of six strokes of “the Cat” and seven years’ penal servitude was passed at the Old Bailey this afternoon on William Howard, aged 23, seaman, of St. Ann’s-road, Tottenham, for an armed raid on […]

Birch for robbers

The Times, London, 17 April 1947, They all pleaded “Guilty” to being armed with an automatic pistol and together robbing George Sidney Judges, aged 66 and lame, of £132 at his shop in Vassall Road, Brixton.For robbery with arms at Brixton three of a gang of four men were at the Central Criminal Court yesterday […]

Gave Men Lift — They Left Him In His Pants

Brighton Evening Argus, 11 March 1947 Prison And Birching Sentence On Soldiers According to Mr. Anthony Harmsworth (prosecuting) the two men were in the Crow and Gate public house at Poundgate on 26th December when Mr. William Henderson, an Essex veterinary surgeon, called there.HOW a motorist who gave a lift to two soldiers on Boxing […]

Punishment code in the Chindits

The Times, London, 16 October 1946, p.8 House Of Commons Tuesday, Oct. 15, The SPEAKER took the Chair at half past 2 o’clock. Mr. Bellenger’s review Click to enlarge Mr. BELLENGER, in a written reply, made a long statement about the allegations at a London court-martial in July that the commanding officer in Burma had authorized the […]

Robbery under arms

The Times, London, 29 October 1946 At the Central Criminal Court yesterday HAROLD ROY WEBB, 25, soldier, and JAMES GARTH HARVEY, 32, driver, were found Guilty of robbery with violence while armed with a firearm. Webb was sentenced to eight years’ penal servitude and ordered 20 strokes of the birch, and Harvey was sentenced to 10 years’ […]

No Officer to Carry Out Birching Order

The Glasgow Herald, 30 March 1945 So said Sheriff-substitute G.D. Valentine at Perth Sheriff Court yesterday after he had found a 13-year-old boy guilty of reckless discharge of an airgun. Later in the day, after his review of the case, and on the ground that there was no officer appointed by the Sheriff to carry […]