
Types of Ghosts10, Demons / Low Level Entities.

Types of Ghosts10, Demons / Low Level Entities.

I don’t want to get into the debate as to whether demons are actually ancient gods or not, suffice to say, there is a type of spirit out there that I also like to call a low-level entity. Whatever you prefer to call them, these are the guys that most folks are afraid of. They are the spirits that enjoy causing fear and feed off of fear. Sometimes they are brought into our world through portals that someone opens either knowingly or unknowingly. They can be dangerous when fed with that fear, but remember…we are human. We are incarnate. We have the power over them, not the other way around. Strong cleansing, exorcising, and warding rituals are required to be rid of these entities. Salt, holy water, and angel statues are effective.