Brighid is the Goddess associated with Imbolc, the holy days celebrated from the eve on January 31st until the night of February 2nd. It is the beginning of the first signs of Spring’s return. As a Goddess of fertility, household farm animals, plants, trees, She presides over the first buds of plants, the earliest flowers like the snowdrops, and lambs and calves which begin to be born at this time of year. That is why milk, cheese, butter are all set outside on Imbolc Eve to honor her and feed her oxen, as She is said to walk the land on Imbolc Eve.
Brighid’s cross of rushes, which was co-opted by the Church, is thought to have been originally a solar cross or sun wheel indicating the movement of the Sun in the turning of the great Wheel of the Year. People still make these today in the British Isles and Ireland and hang them over the front door for protection, laying the one for the previous year on the hearth fire. Many candles are lit all over the home to encourage and reflect the returning light of the sun, and bonfires are lit outdoors. Strips or squares of cloth are laid outside the door on Imbolc Eve or hung out the ground floor window for Brighid to bless as She passes, and they are brought in the next day to use when healing is needed throughout the year. Fabric bits or strips called clooties are also tied on branches of trees overhanging a Sacred Well or Sacred Spring as prayers to Brighid for healing (this custom happens all year round).
Some of the names referring to the Goddess Brighid are “Mother of All Wisdom”, “Bright One”, “Exalted One”, “Flame of 2 Eternities”, “Ashless Flame”. She is the Flame in the Hearts of All Women! May She bless you with Her mighty strength in this fragile season, in this liminal season as Winter turns to Spring and the earliest flowers of white and green venture forth from the snow seeking the Sun, our hearts greet them with a smile.