
What is magic anyway?4

According to general worldwide metaphysical wisdom, common to all
magical understanding and tradition, there is an inherent energy
radiating from Earth and all living things. Analytical traditions and
cultures have studied this energy in depth; others simply accept its

existence and work with it. Many languages have specific names for this
energy. English does not. This increases the confusion when discussing
magic—an already vast and confusing topic. In the same manner that
English, a language so rich in descriptive adjectives, has but one word
for snow, while Inuit has many, one word for love, while Sanskrit has
many, so English has but one word, magic, to define its various aspects.
Harry Houdini, Harry Potter, Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, and
countless anonymous village wise-women are all lumped together as
masters of magic, as if it were a monolithic art.
English also lacks a specific word to name that power that radiates
from all life.