Folk Medicine and Remedies Heartburn and reflux A handful of Almonds may help against heartburn and reflux.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Warts Add tea tree-oil to the warts every day and they will soon go away. The juice of a Houseleek is said to remove warts.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Toothache If you have a toothache, you can lessen the pain by rubbing Clove essential oil on your gums.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Sore throat 1-2 cups of Fenugreek tea a day. 2 tbsp of Fenugreek powder to 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of boiling water, drink it after it’s cooled (you should avoid hot drinks when ...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Insomnia A small bag of Hops under the pillow is said to help against insomnia.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Motion sickness 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil is mixed with 1 tsp of Honey in a cup. Add some hot water and stir well. Drink slowly half an hour before going on a trip....
Folk Medicine and Remedies Nausea Mix 1⁄4 tsp of ground Ginger in 1 glass of water and drink it. The nausea usually subsides after 10-15 minutes.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Hickups Eat a teaspoon of raspberry jam.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Bug Bites Hyssop oil or lotion Lavender oil Marigold ointment Bandage with plantain Put fresh leaves of lemon balm or sage on the bite Try a slice of onion. Rub the bite wit...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Coughing Cut an onion into segments and put it in a bowl of water – almost cover it with water. Place the bowl in the bedroom.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Stuffed nose Essential oils, especially pine needle, sage and eucalyptus oil may help. Drip a couple of drops on a cloth and sniff. Take the lid off a jar of honey and breat...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Hoarseness Cold wraps around the neck. Small Burnet drops- put some drops on a piece of sugar and suck it. Repeat 3 times a day. Carrots and honey- boil 4 carrots until they...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Cold Prevention Echinacea is good as a preventative and when you start to get sick. To prevent a cold you can take 30 drops a day for week, stop for a week and then repeat i...
Colds – bronchitis If you have mucus in your chest or bronchitis, two cups of Hyssop tea (hyssopus officinalis) a day may be beneficial. 3 tsp of Hyssop (dried) is left to sit in 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of...
Children’s colds Warm some water and add a couple of drops of Eucalypt oil. Place the bowl at the side of the child’s bed, it will ease breathing and loosen a stuffed nose. Small children can get rid ...
Colds – Misc tips Keep your throat moist. Drink at least 10 glasses of water and do 4 steam baths a day if you can. Heather is good to breathe in when you have a cold. It’s also good for coughing and ...
Eczema Chop Dandelion leaves and flowers and make a poultice which is put on the skin. You can also use the decoction and rub it directly on the skin. Repeat the treatment every other day. Fill a bott...
Diarrhea Boil Carrots to a mush (can be given to young and old). Eat 1 tsp dry cinnamon, it may ease nausea and diarrhea (take it with a glass of water). Eat dried blueberries or drink a concentrated ...
Bad breath Against bad breath it’s recommended to chew fresh leaves of mint or parsley. It also helps to chew on fresh or dried seeds from cumin, caraway, fennel, lovage or fenugreek. Try chewing 2-3 ...
Cellulite Cellulite is fat tissue on the thighs, bottom and upper arms, and it’s a problem many women have. Many say that it helps to massage the skin daily with a hemp cloth. You can do it in the sho...
Cystorrhea You get the best chance that this advice will work if you start at the moment the symptoms are noticed. If the problem continues, contact your physician. Cystorrhea is an infection and ca...
Soothing Warm chamomile tea, lemon balm tea and lavender tea is soothing. You can buy these as pure herbs at a health food store of a drug store and mix your own tea, either with all three or the one ...
Note! What ever you try of remedies, never stop using blood pressure medication without asking your doctor first. Make sure you go on regular check-ups, whether you take medication or not. Other gen...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Stuffed nose Mix a few drops of Eucalyptus oil with clean water in a small spray bottle, spray it on your sweater or your scarf. Sniff it in. It opens the nose. For small ch...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Sinus infection Boil 1 1⁄2 liter (~0.4 gallons) of water with 1 tsp of salt, let it cool and sniff it into your nose.
Folk Medicine and Remedies Pollen allergy Honey is said to prevent hay-fever. A tablespoon for each meal all through winter is a supplement full of vitamins and minerals and might help reduce the alle...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Increase lactation Pour 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of boiling water over a mixture of 1 tsp of anise, 1 tsp of fennel and 1 tsp of caraway. Let this steep for about 10 minutes, and ...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Blood circulation Garlic has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation and some say a daily intake of garlic can reduce sclerosis in the veins. Cold feet, varicose veins ...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Hangover Take two tsp of Thyme for one cup of water, boil for 10 minutes and drink the day after. The best advice though is probably to eat properly before and after drinki...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Clogged milk channels If you’re weaning your baby and you’ve got clogged milk channels, and you wish to drive the milk back, this might help: Rub your breasts and armpits wi...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Breast infection Poultices of cabbage leaves have been used for a long time on nursing women with infected breasts. It’s said that the cabbage can pull the infection out, an...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Anemia Not all types of ginger ale are made with artificial taste. Some contain real ginger and this spice is said to increase the blood count. Drink a bottle every day for ...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Lemon wrap for a sore throat A lemon wrap for the throat can reduce swelling when it’s sore. You slice a lemon and put the slices in a row on a cloth, fold it and put it aro...
If you’ve burnt your self on a nettle Try to rub some pure lavender oil on it and presto, it doesn’t hurt anymore. Rub the yellow part of a dandelion on the skin where you got burnt. It often grows ne...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Stomach problems You could have many different stomach problems. Aches, pains, constipation and diarrhea are just some examples. Ginger: When you have indigestion and bellya...
Folk Medicine and Remedies Headache Is there really anything worse than having a bad headache? To lie there in bed just wanting to chop your head off. That’s not what I would recommend, although it su...
Earache If you have an earache, you can take a piece of fresh ginger and put it against the ear. Squeeze it a bit, and the juice will ease the pain.
Onion wrap for ear infection Chop a heaped teaspoon of onion, put it in a handkerchief and warm it on a saucepan lid. Place the warm onion pack on the ear and put a small corner behind it. To hold the...
Throat infection Grate a carrot, put it in the middle of a big handkerchief and fold it. Dip a piece of cloth in ice cold water and wring it out. Put the pack on your neck and put the cold piece of cl...
Put a thin layer of cooling and soothing natural yogurt on the part of your skin that’s burnt Let it sit for a couple of hours and then rinse it off with water.
Burns Egg white is a good thing when you’ve gotten a burn. Smear a layer over the spot and you’ll see that it eases the pain rapidly. It also prevents blistering.
Chafe When you’ve gotten a chafe, you can crack a couple of eggs and pick off the membranes closest to the shells. Put these on the chafe and you’ll se that it heals over night.
Prickling in the legs can drive you crazy when you’re trying to go to sleep. One remedy is to eat banana – there’s a lot of potassium in bananas and the prickling sensation can come from a potassium...
MY GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK by Henry Clay Work My grandfather’s clock was too large for the shelf, So it stood ninety years on the floor; It was taller by half than the old man himself, Though ...
Os Elfos são seres elementais mitológicos, muitas vezes associados a tradições nórdicas, que o chamam de Alfs/Alfr é bastante interessante verificar que a palavra Sol dentro da língua nórdica seria Al...
' Os Elfos são seres elementais mitológicos, muitas vezes associados a tradições nórdicas, que o chamam de Alfs/Alfr é bastante interessante verificar que a palavra Sol dentro da língua nórdica seria ...
Take a moment to settle back into this world. If you can, eat and drink something to ground you in the present moment.You might clap your hands three times, or pat the earth three times to signal your...
If the answer is yes,then you can proceed to ask them further questions, and get to know them.If the answer is no, then you can ask them to direct you to your guides.One will appear.Once you have met ...
Take a moment and orient yourself to this new world.You find that you are standing next to a tree of the same type you used above ground to enter into the Lowerworld.You take your hand and place it up...
With your hands upon the bark, feel the power of the tree flowing upwards from the earth, and also downwards from the branches.Feel where it meets, and connect to that energy. You can then visualise a...
Turn around counter-clockwise three times, and say:By the power of three times three,This is my will, so may it be.You may now proceed with your working. You may physically walk to a tree that you wou...
When you are ready, say the following or similar words:I walk between the worlds with the World Tree as my guide;May my roots reach deep,May my core be strong and centred, andMay my inspiration reach ...
To enter the Lowerworld and connect with an ancestral or Faerie guide, you can use a rite such as the one that follows, which ideally should be performed out of doors, but if that is impossible, can b...
In the Hedge Druid’s Craft, we can seek relationship with the Fair Folk, the Faeries, the Sidhe, deep within the Hollow Hills.We can seek them out, using our wit and intelligence, our skills and knowl...
We can say with some certainty, however, that shamanic elements are to be found within Celtic tradition from ancient to modern times, and back up our assertion with prominent examples such as those gi...
The Lowerworld is often associated with the Sidhe, the Fair Folk, and the faerie folk.Traveling by means of the World tree, we can work with the Fair Folk as well as the ancestors in the Lower world.T...
There are : four principal proposed origins of fairies
A host of supernatural beings and spirits who exist between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, fairies have been associated with witches. During the witch hunts in Europe and the British Isles, acc...
As late as 1894 beliefs in fairies and witches in Ireland caused the murder of Bridget Cleary of Clonmel, who was accused by her own husband and family of being a changeling wife.The trials of Michael...
Use this fairy water out in the garden as well as using it as an astringent and in the bath! Sprinkle a few drops here and there along with some glitter! If that doesn’t make the wee ones want to visi...
A frightening goblin of English folklore. The bogie is described as little, black, and hairy. It is considered dangerous, mischievous, sly, and is renowned for its intelligence. Parents would use the ...
Isobel Gowdie, Scotland’s renowned witch who voluntarily confessed in 1662, said she had frequent doings with fairies.Gowdie went often to Fairyland, entering through various caverns and mounds.The en...
The ghostly Reid appeared many times before Dunlop, beseeching her to go away with him to Fairyland or to deny the Christian faith, in exchange for which he would grant her every wish.She denied him r...
A few years later, in 1588, Alison Pearson of Byrehill was charged with invoking the spirits of the Devil.She also was said to have a fairy familiar: her cousin, William Sympson, a physician who had b...
In 1566 John Walsh of Dorset was accused of witchcraft.He admitted being able to tell if a person was bewitched, a gift bestowed upon him partly by fairies, he said.The fairies, he claimed, lived in g...
Fairies and witches. According to British anthropologist Margaret A. Murray and others, real “little people” gradually became identified with witches. In the 16th and 17th centuries, when fairy belief...
Some fairies were said to suck human blood like vampires. On the Isle of Man, it was believed that if water was not left out for them, they would suck the blood of the sleepers in the house or bleed t...
In the early Middle Ages, fairies were said to be visible to all. As time went on, they acquired more and more supernatural powers and became invisible to all but those with second sight. Fairies who ...
Like the Fates, fairies love to visit the newborn babies of mortals and will not hesitate to steal those that are unbaptized, or “little pagans,” substituting in their place changelings—wizened fairy ...
Fairies are nocturnal creatures and like to drink, dance and sing. Their music is exquisite. Their color is green, which is also identified with witches. Green clothing perhaps helps them to blend int...
When won over by a mortal, fairies may be very generous with gifts, either material or psychic such as clairvoyance or the ability to heal. Some are evil and malevolent. Many are lascivious and enjoy ...
Fairy lore. Physical characteristics of fairies vary. Some are tiny, winged, gossamer creatures a few inches tall who can alight on a drop of water and barely make it tremble. Some are dwarfs and “lit...
A host of supernatural beings and spirits who exist between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, fairies have been associated with witches. During the witch hunts in Europe and the British Isles, acc...
The elusive fairy races were regarded with suspicion and superstition by the larger races and gradually became endowed in popular belief with magical attributes and characteristics. These races, such ...
There are four principal proposed origins of fairies: 1. Fairies are the souls of the pagan dead. Being unbaptized, the shades, or souls, are caught in a netherworld and are not bad enough to descend ...
Anthropologists and other folks who research and catalog the customs and activities of tribal peoples use the word “witchcraft” to define certain phenomena which the modern witch would not recognize a...
Each person and entity has their own energy signature. By learning to recognize your energy signature from someone else’s, you become more attuned to the energy around you. There are many exercises th...
And lastly, an Earth empath feels a very deep connection to the Earth. Think of this trait as the macro-level of being a plant empath, where plant empaths are tuned to individual plants, and Earth emp...
You guessed it—animal empaths can pick up on the needs and feelings of animals. It may feel like a somewhat telepathic connection, where the empath senses what an animal wants. These people are...
Plant empaths are those who are attuned to the needs of plants. They make excellent gardeners or landscapers because they intuitively know exactly what a plant needs, giving them quite the gree...
Intuitive empaths have very strong intuition and may pick up what other people are feeling and thinking or take on the negative energy in a room, Orloff explains. As such, it’s important to hav...
When you start working with entities, of any type, always show the utmost respect for them. This is one thing that most people overlook when working with entities, manmade or preexisting. Many, either...
Expanding your creativity is extremely helpful when working with any type of magick. When it comes to creating entities, however, creativity should be given the highest priority of development. Thinki...
Another tool in your toolbox is the art of creative visualization. Creative visualization will help you align the physical, mental, and spiritual minds to act together to achieve the desired result. I...
Getting enough sleep is very important for health and energy. With only a few exceptions, the average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep within each 24- hour period to be adequately alert for ...
A good diet and perhaps even a good multivitamin can make a big difference in your energy as well. There is no one “true” diet that everyone should follow. However, try to eat balanced meals with mode...
Regular exercise is an important factor in overall health. Exercise not only will keep you in good physical shape, but also reduces stress, alleviates depression, and improves the quality of your slee...
Meditation is a tool that will allow you to gain control of your thoughts and actions. With proper control, anything is possible, and accurate results can be achieved. It is important to be clear in y...
Generally called from the west Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament Considered feminine and nature Represents the liquid state of matter Corresponds to matur...
Generally called from the south Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature Represents energy Corresponds to our c...
Generally called from the East Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature Represents the gaseous state of matter Correspo...
Generally called from the North Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament Represents the solid state of matter Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physi...
When you feel you are sufficiently adept at using the other Elements, you may begin to use spirit – the fifth Element. This has no special space but is everywhere. It should never ever be used negativ...
The Sigillum Aemeth, or Seal of Truth, illustrated above, was inscribed by John Dee upon a disk of “perfect wax” that was nine inches in diameter (nine is the number of the moon) and one inch thick. I...
Among other things, Divination can be termed as foretelling the future, finding objects and people, and determining guilt by means of information obtained from signs, omens, dreams, visions, and divin...
A pendulum can be made of any weighted object on a string. It can be a stone weight, crystal, metal, or even just a button on some thread. You don’t need to spend money at all, just use what you have ...
XYLOMANCY is divination from pieces of wood, either from their shape when collected or their appearance while burning.
TASSEOGRAPHY is the reading of tea leaves that remain in a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk. TEPHRAMANCY is divination by ashes obtained from the burning of tree bark. TIROMANCY is a type of d...
SCIOMANCY is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by channelers. SCRYING is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce vis...
RADIESTHESIA is the general term for divination using a device such as a divining rod or pendulum. Other forms include “table tipping” which was practiced at the White House in the 19th century, the O...