I am afraid, Winnie would never have opened a book,
but she managed to get up her subjects for her classes,
and was a conscientious, painstaking mistress,
if not a brilliant one.
After Georgina came the beauty of the family,
twelve-year-old Lesbia,
a dear, delightful, smiling, lovable little lazybones,
usually at the bottom of her Form.
Lesbia never attempted to work hard at school.
She scraped through her lessons somehow, generally with Georgina’s help at home,
and took life in a happy-go lucky fashion, with as little trouble to herself as possible.
Lesbia’s chief virtue was an admirably calm and unruffled temper:
she would laugh philosophically over things that made Georgina rage,
and though she had not half the character of the latter, she was a far greater general favourite.