Georgina of the Fifth30

It seemed rather hard that Lesbia should always be the lucky recipient of the parcels,

and Beatrice,

with a strict sense of justice, had often tried to adapt some of the things for Georgina.

It was quite impossible, however– Lesbia’s neat, dainty little figure exactly fitted into the clothes,

while Georgina, tall and big-boned even for her extra two and a half years,

was so many sizes too large that she had to resign all hope of “fineries”,

and content herself with plain blouses and navy-blue serge skirts that could be lengthened easily.

Not that Georgina troubled much about dress at this period of her existence;

indeed she was apt to throw on her garments in a haphazard fashion that greatly excited Beatrice’s wrath,

and would raise a remonstrance even from Winnie.