Solitary Witchcraft

What is magic anyway?5

The ancient Egyptians called it heka; on the other side of Africa, the Yoruba, parent culture of myriad spiritual and magical traditions, call it ashé. The most familiar word may be the Polynesian man...

What is magic anyway?4

According to general worldwide metaphysical wisdom, common to all magical understanding and tradition, there is an inherent energy radiating from Earth and all living things. Analytical traditions and...

What is magic anyway2

Occult is a word commonly misinterpreted. It doesn’t mean evil or satanic. It has no moral connotations whatsoever. Occult really means “secret” or “hidden.” Secrets may be kept hidden for a host of v...

What is magic anyway1

Rational people know how to define magic—magic is illusion, sleight of hand, at best the fine art of tricks, at worst fraudulence—or so goes the definition usually taught to schoolchildren. Another in...

Morgan Le Fay, Fairy Witch Goddess.

Shrouded in legendary mystery, Morgan Le Fay has been a prominent character in the Arthurian legends. She was the sister and aid to King Arthur himself. In some of the legends, Morgan Le Fay saves Kin...

Circe, Witch Goddess of Aeaea.

A name that’s come to be popular in modern times, Circe is a nymph and goddess of Ancient Greece. Her father, Helios, sends her to exile on an island called Aeaea. Circe is a goddess of transformation...

Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Magic.

While not referred to as a “witch goddess”, Isis was indeed an Egyptian goddess of magic, in particular ritual magic. She is as ancient as time itself, and henceforth is the embodiment of the Feminine...

 Hecate, Goddess of the Crossroads.

Hecate is a well-known witch goddess of Ancient Greece still worshiped by modern-day pagans. She is the lady of the crossroads with three heads or, alternatively, guarded by a three-headed white dog. ...

Cailleach, The Winter Witch Goddess.

Cailleach is a witch goddess from Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man. She is the Old Woman, the Winter Crone, the Veiled One, the Old Hag, and the Old Crone. Cailleach is the epitome of the “old ha...

Baba Yaga, The Slavic Witch Goddess.

Perhaps one of the most well-known pieces of Slavic folklore is the story of the witch goddess Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga was once a well-respected and revered witch goddess in Eastern Europe and Western As...

Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 1.

Pomba Gira (pronounced pohm-ba shira), is Brazilian female spirit found in the traditions of Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomblé. She is revered by initiates and noninitiates alike as she is quite easy ...

Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 2.

To work with Pomba Gira involves a ritual called a trabajo. This ritual is similar to the trabajo of the exus, with some specific differences. All trabajos, like any ritual, include a specific intent,...

Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 3.

Pomba Gira is often called the Sacred Whore. She was originally thought to be a Kongo deity unique to Brazil. Some say she is the wife of Exu and shares many of his characteristics. Some say she is a ...

Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 4.

Pomba gira spell for quick money You will need : ​ 1 red tea light 1 pack of long white cigarettes 1 box of matches 3 red roses 1 bottle of Gin { airline bottles work well for this} 1 piece of pink pa...

Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 5.

​A significant study on the cult of Pomba Gira, this is the most comprehensive work in the English language on the Devil’s mistress, whose Brazilian cult has bewitched so many. It is a book that...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 1.

Deep in ancient history, all the way from the regions of eastern Europe and India to the British Isles, are the roots of the worship of Brighid. Her name is also spelled Brigit, Bridget, and Bride (pr...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc 2 Brighid of the Tuatha De Danaan

Brighid is of the Tuatha De Danaan, the people of the Great Mother Danu, also called the Fae. She was probably originally a Sun Goddess. The story of Her birth is that She was born at sunrise, and a t...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 3. The Triple Goddess.

Brighid is a triple Goddess, but not in the sense many think of as maiden, mother, crone. She has three aspects and all have associations with Fire and Water: Brighid the Healer and Midwife, Brighid t...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 4. Brighid the Healer.

As Brighid the Healer, Her wells and springs figure prominently, as their water is considered holy and healing. She is a Water Goddess. In this aspect She is the teacher of herbal and plant medicine. ...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 5. Brighid the Smith.

Brighid the Smith is mistress of the smithy fire, the anvil. She is associated with horses in this aspect. But this also extends to fine jewelrysmith workings – silver and gold – and any craft that a ...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 6. Brighid the Bard.

Brighid the Bard, the Inspirer of the Fire in the Heart and Mind, which produces song, music, poetry, stories, writing, eloquence, theatrical performances, and the harp. Although the oral tradition wa...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 7. Brighid the Goddess of Imbolc.

Brighid is the Goddess associated with Imbolc, the holy days celebrated from the eve on January 31st until the night of February 2nd. It is the beginning of the first signs of Spring’s return. As a Go...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out,10. First steps working with Hecate.

If you are ready to start working with Hecate, you can start small and work up progressively. Here are some ideas to start your journey. Include her in your altar Having her picture on your altar or l...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 9. What to do when you are called by Hecate.

Receiving these signs from Hecate herself might be overwhelming. Maybe you sense that she’s trying to get through, but you are not completely sure. That is normal, especially if you have never worked ...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 8. Symbols.

Sometimes, the calling is even more obvious. If straightforward symbols, like Hecate’s wheel or triple moon imagery, appear around you repeatedly, she might be trying to call you.

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 7. Crossroads.

Hecate will likely call you when you are standing at a crossroads. But not only metaphorically! If you have a strange experience while standing at a crossroads, especially in a forest, pay attention. ...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 6. The Number 3.

Hecate is often represented as a triple female figure. This is the representation of crossroads, one of her domains. In Greek mythology, she is also connected to the three realms of the Cosmos: earth,...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 5. Torches.

In most representations, Hecate is holding torches. This is related to her soul-guiding and gate-keeping duties. Unlike keys, torches are not frequently seen in our daily life, so spotting one without...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 4. Keys.

Hekate is the goddess of gateways, and keys are one of her symbols. Of course, we handle keys on a daily basis. But if you unexpectedly come across keys while running errands, or find a long-lost bunc...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out,3. Black dogs.

Dogs are sacred to Hecate. They are her animal companion and she is frequently depicted with one. Repeatedly coming across large, black dogs can be a signal from her. However, this sign can manifest i...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 2. Hecate’s calling.

Hecate is known to call people even when, more often than not, some witches are afraid of working with her. she may call you despite you knowing very little about her -or even if you do not know her a...

Signs Hekate is Reaching Out, 1. Get to know Hekate.

Hecate is one of the lesser-known Greek goddesses. The abilities attributed to her in Greek mythology are many, and they are mysterious. That is why, even nowadays, some myths around her present her a...

Hekate…7 Invocation to Hekate.

Hekate of the Three Ways, I invoke You, Maiden of the Land, the Underworld & the Seas as well, Chthonia, Enodia, Phosphoros, Propylaia, Atropaios, Propolos, Kourotrophos, She of the Saffron Robe &...

Hekate…6. Hymn to Hekate.

Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair. Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold. Shape the course of my life with luminous Light And make it laden with good things, Drive sickness a...

Hekate…5. The Orphic Hymn To Hekate.

I invoke you, beloved Hekate of the Crossroads and the Three Ways Saffron-cloaked Goddess of the Heavens, the Underworld and the Sea Tomb-frequenter, mystery-raving with the souls of the dead Daughter...

Hekate…4. Rituals.

In whatever guise Hekate presents Herself to you, regular devotions are an important part of spiritual practice. A simple, basic way to do this is offered here for you. You may perform your rite indoo...

Hekate… 3, Primary Cult Centers, Festivals & Ways to Honor.

Primary Cult Centers. Lagina, Miletus, Argos, Eleusis, Aigina Festivals. Hecatesia or Hekate’s Night (celebrated on different dates – August 13 or 16, November 16) Dark Moon – last d...

Hekate…2. Symbols, Animals, Offerings & Sacrifices.

Hekate…2. Symbols, Animals, Offerings & Sacrifices. Symbols: torches, keys, rope, knife, dogs, snakes Animals: dogs, owls, crows, snakes, frogs, the toad (conception), snakes (guardian and underwo...

Hekate…1, Epithets.

Aidônaia (Lady of the Underworld). Anassa eneroi (Queen of those Below, Queen of the Dead). Angelos (Messenger). Antaia (the One in Front). Antania (Enemy of mankind or Sender of Nocturnal Dreams). At...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 8, Hekates Night Conclusion.

   The middle of August coincides with many things that relate to Hekate. The Nemoralia festival, the Kourotrophos festival, possibly a Deipnon one year, the Ides of Hekate, and loosely the dog ...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 7, Further Dating.

Hekates Night, 13th August, 7, Further Dating. There are two more possibilities or connections to the 13th and Hekate. The first is the possibility, though I call it the least likely, that the date is...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 6, Kourotrophos.

The ancient Greek calendars were luni-solar. The years were marked by the solstices or equinoxes (region dependent), for example the first day of the year in Athens was the first new waxing moon after...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 5, Nemoralia.

There is an ancient Roman festival called the Nemoralia which was held on either the 13th-15th of August or over the full moon of August. This festival is in honour of Diana Nemorensis. Women would ho...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 3, Offering at the Crossroads.

The crossroads offering is seemingly a later addition and it’s pretty obvious where it comes from – the Deipnon. Every lunar month, on the dark moon, we offer to Hekate at the crossroads to honour Her...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 2, The Modern Line.

Hekate Night is mentioned in several modern Pagan books, by that name and sometimes not by any name, simply listed as a night sacred to Hekate. When these books cite other modern, but still older, boo...

Hekates Night, 13th August, 4, Protection and Harvest or Crops.

As noted above, one of the things people find issue with when it comes to this festival, is the idea of Hekate protecting the harvest/crops. Many people find the idea of Hekate and agriculture to be, ...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft1

Bellarmine jugs, bottles, and drinking mugs were produced by the potteries of the Rhineland area, from the sixteenth century onwards. They were exported in large numbers to this country, where they be...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft2

When used as a witch-bottle, these vessels have been found with highly unpleasant contents, such as human hair entangled with sharp nails, cuttings of human finger-nails, a piece of cloth in the shape...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft3

Believing that a magical link existed between the witch and themselves, they tried to put the magic into reverse, and turn it back upon the sender. They used their own hair, nail-clippings, urine, etc...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft4

In Christian times, sculptors tried to work it into Church decorations by calling it a symbol of the Holy Trinity; but in the sixteenth century, it was banned by the Council of Trent, who declared it ...

Benandanti 1

Participants in the lingering remnants of an ancient agrarian cult in northern Italy, which came to the attention of the Inquisition in the late 16th century because of the cult’s nocturnal battles wi...

Benandanti 2 The Unknown Origans

The origins of the benandanti cult are unknown; the roots are probably ancient. The leaving of the body and doing battle in spirit, in the guise of animals, is shamanic in nature. The benandanti may b...

Benandanti 3 The Church

The benandanti came to the attention of the church in 1575, when a priest in Brazzano heard rumors of a man in Civdale, Paolo Gasparutto, who could cure bewitched persons and who “roamed about at nigh...

Lucius Apuleius1

Lucius Apuleius is best known to us as the author of The Golden Ass, one of the most famous romances in the world, containing as it does the story of Cupid and Psyche. His importance to the study of w...

Lucius Apuleius2 The Golden Ass

His book The Golden Ass was translated into English by William Adlington in 1 566 (Simpkin Marshall, London, 1 930 and AMS Press, New York, 1 893), and in our own day by Robert Graves in 1 950. It pre...

Lucius Apuleius3 The witches in The Golden Ass

The witches in The Golden Ass have many of the characteristics attributed to those of the Middle Ages. They can change their shape by means of magic unguents; they steal parts from corpses to use in t...

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Thyme.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Thyme. Burning thyme gets rid of insects in your house. A bed of thyme was thought to be a home for fairies.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Tarragon.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Tarragon. Put in shoes before long walking trips to give strength. It has been used to relieve toothache and as an antifungal.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Summer Savory.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Summer Savory. It was believed to be an aphrodisiac. Some thought it was a cure for deafness.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Sage.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Sage. Thought to promote strength and longevity and believed to cure warts. American Indians used it as a toothbrush.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Rosemary

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Rosemary. Rosemary in your hair will improve your memory. It will protect you from evil spirits if you put a sprig under your pillow.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Mint.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Mint. It was believed to cure hiccups and counteract sea-serpent stings. The Romans wore peppermint wreaths on their heads. It was added to bathwater for its ...

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Parsley

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Parsley. Used for wreaths and in funeral ceremonies. Believed to repel head lice and attract rabbits.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Oregano.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Oregano. Used for “sour humours” that plagued old farmers. Also used for scorpion and spider bites.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Marjoram

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Marjoram. The Greeks believed it could revive the spirits of anyone who inhaled it. At weddings wreaths and garlands were made of marjoram.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Lovage

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Lovage. Chewing on a piece of the dried root will keep you awake. Lovage warms a cold stomach and help digestion. Added to bathwater, it was believed to relie...

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Garlic

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Garlic. It was thought to give strength and courage. Aristotle noted garlic’s use as a guard against the fear of water. It’s also been widely used against evi...

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Chives

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Chives. Bunches of chives hung in your home were used to drive away diseases and evil.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Fennel

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Fennel. Bunches of fennel were used to drive off evil. It was used in love potions and as an appetite suppressant.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Chervil

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips, Chervil. Eating a whole plant would cure hiccups; chervil was said to warm old and cold stomachs.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Caraway

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Caraway Caraway was used to scent perfumes and soaps. The Greeks used it for upset stomachs.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Borage

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Borage The Romans believed the herb to be an antidepressant, and ancient Celtic warriors took it for courage.

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Basil

Herbal Folklore & Old Fashioned Tips Basil Precious to lovers in Italy and considered sacred in India. Many years ago, Italian men wore a sprig of basil to indicate their intended marriage. A cup ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Tips to Boost your Immune System

Folk Medicine and Remedies Tips to Boost your Immune System Eat Garlic (preferably in food, not raw) Get your 5 fruits and vegetables a day Eat Bell Peppers Use Turmeric, Echinacea, Elderberry or Gins...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Warts

Folk Medicine and Remedies Warts Add tea tree-oil to the warts every day and they will soon go away. The juice of a Houseleek is said to remove warts.

Folk Medicine and Remedies Toothache

Folk Medicine and Remedies Toothache If you have a toothache, you can lessen the pain by rubbing Clove essential oil on your gums.

Folk Medicine and Remedies Sore throat

Folk Medicine and Remedies Sore throat 1-2 cups of Fenugreek tea a day. 2 tbsp of Fenugreek powder to 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of boiling water, drink it after it’s cooled (you should avoid hot drinks when ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Insomnia

Folk Medicine and Remedies Insomnia A small bag of Hops under the pillow is said to help against insomnia.

Folk Medicine and Remedies Motion sickness

Folk Medicine and Remedies Motion sickness 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil is mixed with 1 tsp of Honey in a cup. Add some hot water and stir well. Drink slowly half an hour before going on a trip....

Folk Medicine and Remedies Nausea

Folk Medicine and Remedies Nausea Mix 1⁄4 tsp of ground Ginger in 1 glass of water and drink it. The nausea usually subsides after 10-15 minutes.

Folk Medicine and Remedies Bug Bites

Folk Medicine and Remedies Bug Bites Hyssop oil or lotion Lavender oil Marigold ointment Bandage with plantain Put fresh leaves of lemon balm or sage on the bite Try a slice of onion. Rub the bite wit...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Coughing

Folk Medicine and Remedies Coughing Cut an onion into segments and put it in a bowl of water – almost cover it with water. Place the bowl in the bedroom.

Folk Medicine and Remedies Stuffed nose

Folk Medicine and Remedies Stuffed nose Essential oils, especially pine needle, sage and eucalyptus oil may help. Drip a couple of drops on a cloth and sniff. Take the lid off a jar of honey and breat...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Hoarseness

Folk Medicine and Remedies Hoarseness Cold wraps around the neck. Small Burnet drops- put some drops on a piece of sugar and suck it. Repeat 3 times a day. Carrots and honey- boil 4 carrots until they...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Cold Prevention

Folk Medicine and Remedies Cold Prevention Echinacea is good as a preventative and when you start to get sick. To prevent a cold you can take 30 drops a day for week, stop for a week and then repeat i...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Colds – bronchitis

Colds – bronchitis If you have mucus in your chest or bronchitis, two cups of Hyssop tea (hyssopus officinalis) a day may be beneficial. 3 tsp of Hyssop (dried) is left to sit in 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Children’s colds

Children’s colds Warm some water and add a couple of drops of Eucalypt oil. Place the bowl at the side of the child’s bed, it will ease breathing and loosen a stuffed nose. Small children can get rid ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Colds – Misc tips

Colds – Misc tips Keep your throat moist. Drink at least 10 glasses of water and do 4 steam baths a day if you can. Heather is good to breathe in when you have a cold. It’s also good for coughing and ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Eczema

Eczema Chop Dandelion leaves and flowers and make a poultice which is put on the skin. You can also use the decoction and rub it directly on the skin. Repeat the treatment every other day. Fill a bott...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Diarrhea

Diarrhea Boil Carrots to a mush (can be given to young and old). Eat 1 tsp dry cinnamon, it may ease nausea and diarrhea (take it with a glass of water). Eat dried blueberries or drink a concentrated ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Bad breath

Bad breath Against bad breath it’s recommended to chew fresh leaves of mint or parsley. It also helps to chew on fresh or dried seeds from cumin, caraway, fennel, lovage or fenugreek. Try chewing 2-3 ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Cellulite

Cellulite Cellulite is fat tissue on the thighs, bottom and upper arms, and it’s a problem many women have. Many say that it helps to massage the skin daily with a hemp cloth. You can do it in the sho...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Cystorrhea

  Cystorrhea You get the best chance that this advice will work if you start at the moment the symptoms are noticed. If the problem continues, contact your physician. Cystorrhea is an infection and ca...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Soothing

Soothing Warm chamomile tea, lemon balm tea and lavender tea is soothing. You can buy these as pure herbs at a health food store of a drug store and mix your own tea, either with all three or the one ...

Folk Medicine and Remedies High blood pressure

  Note! What ever you try of remedies, never stop using blood pressure medication without asking your doctor first. Make sure you go on regular check-ups, whether you take medication or not. Other gen...

Folk Medicine and Remedies Stuffed nose

Folk Medicine and Remedies Stuffed nose Mix a few drops of Eucalyptus oil with clean water in a small spray bottle, spray it on your sweater or your scarf. Sniff it in. It opens the nose. For small ch...