
Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft1

Bellarmine jugs, bottles, and drinking mugs were produced by the potteries of the Rhineland area, from the sixteenth century onwards. They were exported in large numbers to this country, where they be...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft2

When used as a witch-bottle, these vessels have been found with highly unpleasant contents, such as human hair entangled with sharp nails, cuttings of human finger-nails, a piece of cloth in the shape...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft3

Believing that a magical link existed between the witch and themselves, they tried to put the magic into reverse, and turn it back upon the sender. They used their own hair, nail-clippings, urine, etc...

Bellarmine Jugs and their Connection to Witchcraft4

In Christian times, sculptors tried to work it into Church decorations by calling it a symbol of the Holy Trinity; but in the sixteenth century, it was banned by the Council of Trent, who declared it ...

Benandanti 1

Participants in the lingering remnants of an ancient agrarian cult in northern Italy, which came to the attention of the Inquisition in the late 16th century because of the cult’s nocturnal battles wi...

Benandanti 2 The Unknown Origans

The origins of the benandanti cult are unknown; the roots are probably ancient. The leaving of the body and doing battle in spirit, in the guise of animals, is shamanic in nature. The benandanti may b...

Benandanti 3 The Church

The benandanti came to the attention of the church in 1575, when a priest in Brazzano heard rumors of a man in Civdale, Paolo Gasparutto, who could cure bewitched persons and who “roamed about at nigh...

Lucius Apuleius1

Lucius Apuleius is best known to us as the author of The Golden Ass, one of the most famous romances in the world, containing as it does the story of Cupid and Psyche. His importance to the study of w...

Lucius Apuleius2 The Golden Ass

His book The Golden Ass was translated into English by William Adlington in 1 566 (Simpkin Marshall, London, 1 930 and AMS Press, New York, 1 893), and in our own day by Robert Graves in 1 950. It pre...

Lucius Apuleius3 The witches in The Golden Ass

The witches in The Golden Ass have many of the characteristics attributed to those of the Middle Ages. They can change their shape by means of magic unguents; they steal parts from corpses to use in t...

Water Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the west Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament  Considered feminine and nature Represents the liquid state of matter  Corresponds to matur...

Fire Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the south Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature Represents energy Corresponds to our c...

Air Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the East Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature Represents the gaseous state of matter Correspo...

Earth Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the North Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament Represents the solid state of matter Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physi...

Invoking Spirit Element

When you feel you are sufficiently adept at using the other Elements, you may begin to use spirit – the fifth Element. This has no special space but is everywhere. It should never ever be used negativ...

The Sigillum Aemeth

The Sigillum Aemeth, or Seal of Truth, illustrated above, was inscribed by John Dee upon a disk of “perfect wax” that was nine inches in diameter (nine is the number of the moon) and one inch thick. I...

An Explanation of Divination

Among other things, Divination can be termed as foretelling the future, finding objects and people, and determining guilt by means of information obtained from signs, omens, dreams, visions, and divin...


A pendulum can be made of any weighted object on a string. It can be a stone weight, crystal, metal, or even just a button on some thread. You don’t need to spend money at all, just use what you have ...

A Glossary of Divination X

XYLOMANCY is divination from pieces of wood, either from their shape when collected or their appearance while burning.

A Glossary of Divination T

TASSEOGRAPHY is the reading of tea leaves that remain in a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk. TEPHRAMANCY is divination by ashes obtained from the burning of tree bark. TIROMANCY is a type of d...

A Glossary of Divination S

SCIOMANCY is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by channelers. SCRYING is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce vis...

A Glossary of Divination R

RADIESTHESIA is the general term for divination using a device such as a divining rod or pendulum. Other forms include “table tipping” which was practiced at the White House in the 19th century, the O...

A Glossary of Divination P

PALMISTRY is the broad field of divination and interpretation of the lines and structure of the hand. PEGOMANCY concerns itself with spring water and bubbling fountains and the omens contained therein...

A Glossary of Divination O

  OCULOMANCY is divination from a person’s eye. OINOMANCY is divination using wine. OMPHALOMANCY IS counting the number of knots in the umbilical cord to predict how many more children the mother...

A Glossary of Divination N

NUMEROLOGY is the numerical interpretation of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters.

A Glossary of Divination M

MARGARITOMANCY is the procedure of using bouncing pearls. METAGNOMY is the divination using “visions” received in a trance state. METEOROMANCY is divination from meteors. METOPOSCOPY is the reading of...

A Glossary of Divination L

  LAMPADOMANCY is divination using lights or torches. LECANOMANCY uses a basin of water for divination. LIBANOMANCY is the study of incense and its smoke. LITHOMANCY is divination using precious ...

A Glossary of Divination H

HALOLMANCY see ALOMANCY HARUSPICATION IS fortune-telling by means of inspecting the entrails of animals, as practiced by priests in ancient Rome. HIEROMANCY or HIERSCOPY is divination by observing obj...

A Glossary of Divination G

GASTROMANCY is an ancient form of ventriloquism whereby the voice is lowered to a sepulchral tone and prophetic utterances are delivered in a trance state. GELOSCOPY is the divination from the tone of...

A Glossary of Divination D

DACTYLOMANCY is an early form of RADIESTHESIA using a dangling ring. DAPHNOMANCY requires one to listen to laurel branches crackling in an open fire. DEMONOMANCY is divination with the aid of demons. ...

A Glossary of Divination C

CAPNOMANCY is the study of smoke rising from a fire. CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot. CATOPTROMANCY is an early form of crystal gazing that utilizes a mirror turned to the ...

A Glossary of Divination B

BELOMANCY is an ancient form of divination performed by tossing or balancing arrows. BIBLIOMANCY involves divination by books. BOTANOMANCY is divination from burning tree branches and leaves. BUMPOLOG...

A Glossary of Divination A

AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. ALCHEMY is the practice of transmutation of base...

Symbolism for Divination W

● Well- blessing from the Goddess, inspiration, spirituality, health ● Wheel- completion, eternity, season/life cycles, rebirth, gains ● Windmill- business dealings, factors working together for one g...

Symbolism for Divination U

● Umbrella- temporary shelter, limited protection ● Unicorn- purity, nature, fairy blessings, Otherworld intervention

Symbolism for Divination T

● Tree- blessings of nature, good fortune, stability, power, security ● Turtle- fertility, security, defense against obstacles, slow gains

Symbolism for Divination S

● Salt- purity, stability, cleansing, grounding ● Scales- balance, justice, careful evaluation ● Scissors- duplicity, arguments, separation, division, strife ● Shell- Goddess, emotional stability, luc...

Symbolism for Divination R

● Ring- eternity, containment, wheel of life/year, wedding ● Rose- love, lost or past love, fullness of life, healing, caring

Symbolism for Divination P

● Palm Tree- respite, relief, security, protection, blessings ● Parrot- gossip, flamboyance ● Peacock- luxury, vanity, baseless pride ● Pineapple- hospitality, good things hidden by harsh exterior ● P...

Symbolism for Divination M

● Man- visitor, helpful stranger ● Mirror- reversal, knowledge, karma ● Moon- the Goddess, intuitive wisdom, guidance ● Mountain- hindrance, challenge, obstacle, journey, steadfastness ● Mouse- povert...

Symbolism for Divination L

● Ladder- initiation, rise or fall in status, connections ● Lion- power, strength, influence, ferocity, pride, domination ● Lock- protection, concealment, security, obstacles, sealed

Symbolism for Divination K

● Key- understanding, mysteries, opportunity, gain, security ● Kite- warning for caution, new ideas ● Knot- restrictions, marriage, bindings ● Knife- duplicity, misunderstanding, direct action

Symbolism for Divination H

● Hammer- hard work rewarded, building, creativity, fortitude ● Hat- honors, rivalry, independence, self-assertion ● Hound- advice, help given, companionship, trust ● Heart- love, pleasure, confidence...

Symbolism for Divination G

● Glove- protection, luck, aloofness, nobility, challenge ● Gate- opportunity, advancement, change, new directions ● Gun (any type)- power to gain goals, discord, slander, infidelity

Symbolism for Divination F

● Fan- indiscretion, disloyalty, things hidden, inflammations ● Fence- retention of possessions, defense, isolation ● Fish- riches, luck, sexuality, productivity ● Flag- warning, defensiveness, identi...

Symbolism for Divination E

● Egg- increase, fertility, luck, creativity, new start, hoarding ● Eye- introspection, awareness, evaluation, spirit

Symbolism for Divination D

● Dagger- complications, dangers, power, skill ● Distaff- creativity, changes, sexuality ● Dog- fidelity, friendship, companionship, faithfulness ● Duck- plenty, wealth, success ● Elephant- advice nee...

Symbolism for Divination C

● Castle- financial gain, security, inheritance, life of bounty ● Cage- isolation, restriction, imprisonment, containment ● Cat- wisdom, spiritual access, female friend, domestic strife ● Car- local t...

Symbolism for Divination B

● Basket- gift, security, comfort ● Baby- new interests, security, new beginnings ● Bees (hive, comb)- fertility, industry, community, self-sacrifice ● Bell- celebrations, news (good or bad, depending...

Symbolism for Divination A

● Acorn- youth, strength, man, small start for large accomplishment ● Airplane- travel, new projects ● Anchor- voyage, rest, problem solved, security ● Arrow- news, disagreements, direct action

Mirror Divination

One of the most ancient forms of divination is crystallomancy or catoptromancy, performed with a magic mirror. The Magi of Persia are said to have used mirrors, as well as the ancient Greeks and Roman...

Ouija Boards

Today, most people look at Ouija boards  and think, “Why would you want to open the gates of Hell?” It wasn’t always that way, however. The Ouija board came straight out of the “Spiritualism” movement...

Cauldron Divination

Divination is an art that has been practiced in one form or another since ancient times and in all levels of culture. There are a number of ways in which a cauldron can be used for divining. One metho...

Numerology Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Numerology is a technique that involves using numbers to gain insight into different areas of life. Practitioners may use techniques such as calculating a person’s life path number or using the letter...

Pendulum Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

A pendulum is a small weight that is suspended from a string or chain. To use a pendulum for divination, the practitioner holds the weight steady and then asks a yes or no question. The pendulum will ...

Runes Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Runes are a set of ancient symbols that were used by the Germanic and Norse peoples for divination. They consist of 24 or 25 small stones or tiles, each with a different symbol carved into it. To use ...

Tarot Cards Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Tarot cards are a popular divination tool that can provide insight into a variety of different areas of life. They consist of a deck of 78 cards, each with its own unique meaning. To use tarot cards f...

Scrying Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Scrying is a technique that involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball or a mirror, in order to gain insight and guidance. The practitioner may see images, symbols, or other vis...

Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Divination is a practice that has been used for centuries by people of different cultures and religions to gain insight into the unknown. For Solitary Pagans, divination is a powerful tool that can be...

Invoking Air

The direction of this Element is east and the colour usually associated with it is yellow. Incense is often used to represent Air since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke. When y...

Invoking Earth

Traditionally the direction of this Element is north and the colour normally associated with Earth is green. It is represented on the altar usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they are totally ...

A witch’s ladder

A witch’s ladder is one of those nifty things we sometimes hear about but rarely see. Its purpose is similar to that of a rosary – it’s basically a tool for meditation and ritual, in which diffe...

Corn Dolly’s

“An ancient and widespread custom across northern Europe was related to the cutting of the ‘last sheaf’ of the crop. The belief was that the ‘spirit of the corn’ was present in the grain; as the...

Power of 3 Healing Spell

This spells uses the strength of the number 3 to help speed healing of an illness. It’s best used when someone is ill, rather than injured. You can use this spell for yourself (if you are well enough ...

Magical welcome doormat

tems needed a doormat (whatever one you like)paintoilssalt and rosemary mixAfter gathering the items, you should place a symbol of protection on the back of the doormat (or you can write a chant on th...

Crossroads A Magickal Tradition

Crossroads are considered sacred in almost all magical traditions. A crossroads is a universally accepted place to hold rituals, leave offerings, or dispose of items you wish to be rid of. While this ...

The Chameleon of Illusions

I hated you….you sniveling and soft creature…..giving and loving wrecklessly….you stupid girl What did that get you? Self loathing for never feeling enough….rejection and alone….and you fucking deserv...


Having a Book of Shadows is great. It can be a great way to keep track of anything that you do. However, one way to help with making sure that this book does not become like other books is by blessing...

The Path of the Fire Witch

The path of the Fire Witch is not for the faint of heart. Strong and courageous, these Witches rarely take no for an answer. The Fire Witches are considered to be the rebels of the Elemental Witches. ...

Who is Krampus

Krampus is meant to whip children into being nice. When listening to the radio in December, it’s unlikely to hear holiday songs singing the praises of Krampus:a half-goat, half-demon, horrific b...

To Honor Shadow Work ..

Salt Balance SpellAs we know Shadow work involves spells ro adjust ( or honor) our not so positive qualities. You know like speaking sharply or just not letting something that irritates us go includin...

Gods, Fae, Elves, and Ancestors: Are They All the Same?

Gods. Fairies. Elves. Ancestors. The deeper we go into our pagan history, the more we see a blurring of the lines between the spirits. In fact, many of the sagas, legends, and lore point to the idea t...

Being a Witch

“Being a witch, continued Don Juan, does not mean practicing spells, or trying to affect people, or being possessed by demons. Being a witch means reaching a level of consciousness that gives ac...


As the moon makes her way through the zodiac, she stops and visits each sign for a spell, spending a couple of days in each of their homes and with their unique energies. She is influenced by these en...

Orphic Hymn To Hekate

 call Ækátî of the Crossroads, worshipped at the meeting of three paths, oh lovely one. In the sky, earth, and sea, you are venerated in your saffron-colored robes. Funereal Daimôn, celebrating a...

How To Master Witchcraft Even With Absolutely No Time…

Is your life filled with so many responsibilities that you can barely make time for yourself, let alone try to master the art of witchcraft? You feel like you have no time and no energy to pursue your...

Traditional Wassail Recipe

You will need: 6 small apples1 1/2 quarts ale or hard cider1/4 cup sugar1 teaspoon grated nutmeg1 teaspoon ground ginger Preheat your oven to 120 degrees F. Core the apples and then place them on a li...

Opening the Inner Eye’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 white or purple candle1 herb (rosemary,thyme)Light the candle and burn the herb as soon as you see smoke say: “Give me the power to see throug...

Spell: Nature Peace Wind Spell

When life feels overwhelming, you might be having trouble processing stressful, worrisome thoughts. This peace wind spell can help. Allow yourself time for some self-care and consider going on a natur...

Await the Harvest

To all those law of attraction, abundance manifestation, and easy life, high vibration, anti negativity sorts, you’ve got it all wrong. Sure, if I wanted the easy life, I’d utilize “...

The Remanifestation of the Ego

Bear in mind that the consciousness of the naked Self has already been awakened. This point — when the Eye of the Void opens — is the Ordeal of the Abyss often spoken of by Crowley; it is the experien...

Meal for the Fairies

There is another kind of Spirits, (fairies) which we have spoken of in our third book of Occult Philosophy, not so hurtful, and near unto men, for also, that they are affected with humane passions, an...


To the woman who has lost her spark. To the woman whose get up and go, has well and truly gone. This is for you. This is to remind you whose daughter you are. This is to remind you, that you don’t hav...

A Ritual to Conjure the Fairy Sibylia

The year is 1586, the night is dark and mysterious, only a sliver of the moon hangs in the sky. The autumn wind is chilly, and it blows the leaves from the trees. Two witches, one an old woman with gr...

Empower Yourself

Words have power. You can utilize the power of positive, encouraging words every day. Write words on small pieces of paper and place them in spots around your house where you will notice them. Put the...

Frau Perchta

Frau Perchta, also known as the belly slitter or Christmas witch from German lore. Like Krampus she goes after naughty people but mostly lazy ones. She hates dirty houses and she keeps a knife in her ...

The Ancient Midwinter Deer-Mother Goddess.

Female reindeer are unique with regard to other deer species in that they grow and shed antlers. This attribute is part of the mythology and spirituality of the shamanistic Sámi people who tell a stor...

Oshun Oil

( Caridad Del Cobre Holy Oil)Use this oil to honor the River Goddess and draw love and prosperity.Use these essential oils to create this holy oil:*SWEET Orange*ROSE Scent, which can be one or more of...

Invisibility through fairy magic

This ritual is originally found in the 1584 Discoverie of Witchcraft. I have modernized the English but left the original spell as it is. (Note: this is a separate experiment with Sibylia.) This is th...

Gazing at a fire

Gazing at a fire is mesmerizing and trance inducing. When we gaze at a flickering flame, our brain begins to shift out of beta brainwave state, which is associated with thinking and alertness, into al...

Creating a Garden Sanctuary

A personal outdoor sanctuary is an important part of feeling connected to all of life.Each of us has been blessed with an innate need to celebrate and glorify life. At a most basic level, we honor the...

Spirit Animal, Power Animal, Totem Animal – What’s the Difference?

These terms are often used interchangeably, but there’s a difference. Put simply: A Spirit Animal refers to an ally who helps teach/guide you.A Power Animal refers to a creature that empowers you.A To...

Yuxa, or Yuha (“Sly Snake”), the Queen of Serpents in Turkic folklore. 

 She manifests in every serpent that is at least 100 years old. She can become a beautiful maiden, and makes an excellent fairy wife. A human husband must never speak of what she really is, or th...

The Fairy Sibylia

On the tools used to conjure the fairy Sibylia in the 1584 Discoverie of Witchcraft. Text from the book Fairy Magic in the Grimoires. Comments: Carrying out the previously described operation is a ser...

Dreams of Witches: The Meaning of Meeting Mystics While Asleep..

Dreams tell us a lot about ourselves. They can take us to other far away places, other realms of existence, other universes. Sometimes they can even predict the future or clarify things in the past. M...

Things You Do NOT Have To Be In Order To Be A Witch..

PAGAN: you can be a witch and be a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or any other. Religion that does not use the label pagan for itself. WICCAN: witchcraft is a secular practice. Wicca is a ...


Ceridwen is a Welsh sorceress, a white witch with the power of Awen. She can brew life-altering potions, to change her form, and to inspire knowledge and beauty in others. In some tellings of her lege...