Diapers in Milwood Scene 2


Samantha and Kaitlin watched movies until Kaitlin’s parents went to bed.
“You ready?” asked Kaitlin
“Yeah, I guess. How does this work?”
“It’s real easy.”
Kaitlin’s parents were asleep upstairs while Samantha and Kaitlin were downstairs watching a movie. They just left out the front door. Their house had an outside garage. They both got in Kaitlin’s car.
“Will they hear the car start?”
“Nah, I’ve done this a ton of times”
They drove for about ten minutes. Kaitlin pulled off the road down a dirt path that went into the woods. There were four boys sitting around a fire, they were all looked a little older Than Samantha. Kaitlin parked next to two other cars.
“Hi guys.” Said Kaitlin
“Hi” They all said together
“This is my cousin Samantha, she just moved here.”
They joined the circle. A bottle of whiskey was being passed around.
“So, Samantha right? I’m James. Now usually we tell jokes or ghost stories here, but we’ve all heard them all. Have you got any new ones from where you’re from?”
“No, we don’t usually tell stories.” Said Samantha
“Well our stories are all pretty stupid, except for a there’s one true local one.”
“Ooh, I wanna tell it.” A boy said
“No, I do” said someone else
James smiled “I’m gonna tell it, remember what I said, this is a true story. So fifty years ago this town was twice as big. The half that are still here were fishers. The other half worked at Milwood, the insane asylum. Dr. Sherbakov was a well respected doctor. No one knew what went on inside. Everyone who worked there kept their mouth shut. One day in one of the town meetings a guard at Milwood had a breakdown e said ‘I can’t take it anymore. They’ve all disappeared. The patients are all dead.’ Dr. Sherbakov calmed him down and he was put into the asylum immediately without a trial or anything, just thrown in a cell. Dr. Sherbakov convinced everyone he was crazy. The sheriff in town didn’t suspect anything, but still had to investigate the guard’s breakdown. He went over to the asylum. There wasn’t anyone to let his car in so he parked outside. There was no receptionist at the front to let him into the prison. Where she was supposed to be he saw Dr. Sherbakov behind the pane of glass. The Doctor put his head into a noose and hung himself. The sheriff couldn’t stop him. The asylum was locked without a crew and the sheriff couldn’t get in. He called the feds. They all went in three days later. Every patient had died because Dr. Sherbakov had been experimenting on them. Most had at least one organ missing. They never found a single member of the staff that worked there. They said that Dr. Sherbakov was paid by Soviets to experiment on people.”
That was a pretty scary story. Samantha didn’t have any questions. The bottle had gone around the circle a few times and Samantha was fairly drunk.

They woke up the next morning. “Did you have fun last night?” asked Kaitlin
“Yea I did. I like the woods, they’re so different than where I came from.” Said Samantha.
“What do you want to do today?”
“Well I guess you could show me around the area.”
“There’s really not much to show” said Kaitlin
“Just show it to me anyways” Samantha said tiredly