Circumstances Scene 9

Chastity smiled. “Chivalry works,” she said, with a blush at his flattery. “I don’t think I’ll mind being trapped here all week with you.”
“I think I can safely say the same thing,” he said, as they walked into the first floor hallway and back into the well-lit areas of the building. They rounded a corner and saw Jean heading their way.
“Ah, there you are,” she said. “I was just about to come looking for you.”
“Talk about convenience,” Jack mused.
“Indeed,” Jean said. “Well, I had just remembered that I hadn’t told either of you were the entertainment room is; there’s a TV and books in there, plus some other stuff,” she went on. “Come along; I’ll show you were it is.”
Jack and Chastity followed Jean to the room in question and investigated it a bit. Jack was sad to see that the computer there was sadly lacking in modern features, like a modem faster than dial-up. Oh well; not like he’d be doing any gaming this week anyway. He actually doubted the computer would see any use, and not due to its sad obsolescence. The thing didn’t even have Windows XP. “When we aren’t doing some sort of in depth product analysis, you two are welcome to come here or wander the building as you see fit, so long as you don’t get into trouble.”
“Thanks,” Jack said.
“Now, how are you two getting along?”
“Just fine, actually,” Chastity answered. “Knowing each other from school has been really helpful in keeping the tension down.”
Jean looked at Chastity in merry surprise. “Well, that’s certainly a good thing.” She looked the two over and noticed their sagging diapers. “It also seems that you two are in need of diaper changes.” The fact that both teenagers blushed was answer enough for her. “Alright, well, we wouldn’t want you two to have to sit in wet diapers longer than necessary; why don’t you go to your rooms and wait; Chastity, Mary will be along in a few minutes. John, you can come with me and I’ll attend to your diaper right away. After that it will be into pajamas and then you two can lounge about for a while and then into bed,” Jean said and moved for the doorway. The teens followed Jean out of the entertainment room, exchanging weird/embarrassed/concerned looks as they walked.


Chastity went to her room and almost immediately wrinkled her nose in mild contempt at the overly childish way the room was decorated. It was obviously meant for a girl, if the over abundance of pink didn’t make that obvious. Everything had pink, or some shade of pink on it. Her dresser, crib (though she still didn’t think of it as hers), the rocking chair, changing table… everything. Most of her clothes were pink, too, though thankfully there was some other colors like yellow or white, or even a little red. Soon enough, though, Mary came in and motioned for Chastity to get onto the changing table. Chastity complied, a little more willingly this time than the first time; she wanted her wet diaper removed, and if it had to be replaced with a dry one rather than a sensible pair of panties… well, so be it.