I am an avid reader of your website and a keen spanker of well-deserving, consenting adults. However, in my childhood I was usually the one deserving chastisement, and was often given a smacked backside. One of my most memorable smackings came when I was about 10. At home, I tended to get my father’s belt […]
Provoking a smacking
This memory comes from the early 1960s, when I was 11 years old. Because my father had died early, when I was just eight, my mother was forced to go out to work to keep hearth and home together. Fortunately, we lived next door to a very nice family whom often looked after me, particularly […]
My sister’s panties
When I was just a sprout of about eight, I really started noticing my sister’s underwear was different than my own. This was in the 50s, when girls of about 12 or so started wearing ‘big girl’ underwear. For one thing, hers had no flap in the front and felt like silk, althought they were […]
The plastic paddle
When I wasn’t being paddled, I was very doted on. I was loved and well taken care of. Mom was too strict but her love was excessive as well. When I was a child, I never remember feeling rejected. I did fear her paddle, though! I was a very well behaved child, respectful and self-controlled. […]
The stolen Playboy
I was generally a very biddable and obedient boy for my parents – but no child is perfect and my mother in particular wasn’t slow to warm my bottom if she felt it was called for. One such spanking has remained in my memory ever since, and I think it greatly contributed to my developing […]
Caning the bullies
During my childhood, I never asked outright for a smacking – but there were a few situations where I was offered a choice between corporal punishment and a non-physical sanction and I chose the former. One such incident was in junior first, when I was about eight – in fact, not too long before the […]
A letter from school
Maman Special Report We recently received an intriguing email from an English contributor named Chris. Its contents contained the text of a letter Chris and his cousin Richard found while sorting through the effects of Richard’s mother after she died in 2008. The letter is dated October 2, 1959 and is apparently a reply from […]