Birthday Baby Scene 58

  At that assurance from the matriarch, one of Karen’s aunts got a bib out of a nearby drawer, “We actually didn’t give him any yet – we were afraid he’d get it everywhere.” “Erm… Well, sounds about right…” As she set her cooing brother in his highchair (and admittedly feeling a twinge of annoyance […]

The Boss Baby Scene 1

“Tom, can I see you in my office please?” It was the Boss’ voice over the intercom. I looked up from my computer and around my cubicle. Me? The boss never called me into his office. When we passed by each other, he never even seemed to notice me. As I sauntered to his office […]

Ellen’s Visitor Scene 135

  James cooed and giggled happily, reaching at the diaper and clapping his hands together in approval as Mayra unfolded the diaper, as the sound of its crinkle filled the nursery. James smiled as Mayra placed the diaper under his bottom and laid him back down. She smiled warmly at the look of complete contentment […]

What Happened to Ella Marsh Scene 158

  “That’s an understatement.” Heather said. “She bit me when I tried to take her this afternoon.” Danielle let out a snicker. “Just give her time to adjust to her new surroundings.” Dr. Lawson said before turning his attention back to Ella. “Now, Isabella, I’m going to press around your stomach. You let me know […]